Friday 18 December 2009

Living In The Moment


So it's a week to Christmas day and for the first time in years I'm actually prepared! Now for those of you who know me you will understand this as I used to be a bit of a Christmas week last minute rush fanatic.

Circumstances this year.....working near Putney High St.......have allowed me to be a little more prepared. In fact as of today I am ready, OK not quite wrapped but ready. I'm looking forward to a day with my family and especially my 4 year old niece.

Last weekend I attended a course, a course about life and living in the moment. Now to be honest I wasn't sure what to expect and I hadn't intended by any stretch of the imagination to get a "life changing" experience from this course. But I have. Now I'm not necessarily the worlds best at explaining myself but I can honestly say I have found an inner peace, a new sense of worth and I know I am going to be successful.

It's funny but when you start speaking these things and sharing what you want to achieve then things start to happen for no apparent reason, coincidence, the cynics amongst us will say yes, but me I see this as opportunities not to be missed.

You see we can all spend our lives blaming things on others, blaming our parents for not doing the job we expected, blaming past relationships for the future ones we fail in or blaming anyone but us for the things we perceive are happening. It's easy to walk past something which needs changing, to not stretch out a hand to a stranger in the street or to bury our heads in the sand rather than have a conversation which needs to be had or saying words which need to be said

I know I am on a journey, but now I know that every aspect of this journey I can create by living in each and every moment. Now this might seem a bit weird but if you stop and really think about this, look at what great philosophers of our time have preached, you all know the sayings, "Life is what you make it", "yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future and now is your actual life", you can see this is not new and has been practiced for years.

So that's what I've started to do and it takes some work I can tell you. But, in doing so, I have come to appreciate the things I have and come to realise that by living like this I can take complete control of who I am and what I want to become. I am creating the possibility of being anything I want.

I also understand fully about integrity and taking responsibility for the things which may not have gone right and putting those things right. Making the past complete to move forward. An example, my dad is an alcoholic and I have let my anger and resentment towards him affect our relationship. I have now spoken to him about this and told him I do love him, I don't always understand him being this way but it does not mean he doesn't love me, I made that bit up in my mind to justify my anger towards him.

I hope that makes sense and if it doesn't you just have to trust me it does work.

The other important thing in life is people are their word as this is all we have to give and if we don't have our word, we don't have our integrity. Wow I feel like a preacher, I'm not I just think this is important and it has helped me to understand what and why things are important.

I hope you all have a great Christmas and Happy New Year and will write again in 2010(unless I feel the need to share something else with my blog!)

Take care



Friday 27 November 2009

Pastures Old & New


Today I'm closing a chapter in my working life and on Monday go back to my old role. As I sit on the bus travelling to work, with a slight hangover I have to admit, I find myself looking back over the last 6 months and thinking about what I ve learnt.

I won't bore you with my role or what I did but it's more about the people I've met and the effect of them on me and hopefully me on them. The last 6 months has probably had the most effect on me as a person than many of my other roles. I've learnt that the majority of people want to do well and actually want to make a difference despite sometimes working in difficult circunstances and being belittled by others who have no understanding.

I've learnt if you take time to listen to people and give them time they will give you so much more back and the rewards of seeing others open up, review themsleves and look for new opportunities in life. This is more rewarding than achieving yourself. Which is a little back to front as the only reason I became involved in thie role is because I had been unsuccessful myself.

So I will leave work today a little sad but exceptionally grateful I had this opportunity. Pleased to have met some really brilliant people who have influenced my life and hopefully I theirs and next week we stat another adventure.

Whilst my adventure continues to grow sadly one of my partners friends is drawing to an early close. These events always tinged with sadness remind us of how precious the gift of life is and how important it is to embrace everythin we have.

Live life to the full, never regret or wish you had and take every opportunity life throws your way and never give up on your dream or desire, as success comes to those who never give up.

Take care


Tuesday 10 November 2009

Think And Grow Rich


I've just discovered a new book and from that book I share this poem in case you ever doubted yourself. The book is Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill. Click on the link in the side bar to buy the book it's worth a read.............

If you think you are beaten, you are,
If you think you dare not, you don’t
If you like to win, but you think you can’t,
It is almost certain you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost
For out of the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow’s will-
It’s all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are,
You’ve got to think high to rise,
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.

Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But soon or late the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can!


Sunday 1 November 2009

Google Analytics: Exciting & Scary


Hope your weekend has been great although I know you probably feel there are less hours in a Saturday and Sunday.

So it's nearly Monday morning again but what have you achieved in the last week. I hope it was good and you're all set for the week ahead.

I've had a great weekend and I've discovered this wonderful tool called Google Analytics. FREE... even better.

I think I've become a bit obsessed though as suddenly I can see who is reading my stuff and how they're getting there. It's so funny, there is a map of where people in the world are reading my websites. Guess what? India, yep someone in India spent 5 minutes reading my website. 5 minutes!!! That almost makes me a world wide author, OK slight exaggeration but you know where I'm coming from. Not just that but the USA and Canada are also in green, it just gets better and better.

Well this week I'm really excited I have discovered a new marketing system and will be trying it out this week to see how I get on. Apart from this I will just wallow in the glory of reaching across the world.

Have a great week whatever you are doing and I'll update you with my new project next week.

Take care

healthy body and mind

Thursday 29 October 2009

How To Be an Entrepreneur In 3 Easy Steps


Wow what an evening with my coach, it's finally all beginning to click. I understand keywords and where they need to go. I understand marketing and what I need to do. I have a step by step guide on how to market my site and each week I complete a step and get more traffic. 55 people across the world have visited my site. 55!!! Half of them from America.

OK OK so it's not thousands but I have a site and a way to attract people to that site and I'm only on step 4 of 32. So those 4 steps have got me 55 people this week.

Not only that but 249 people have read my articles. 249 people from across the world have read what I have to say. BRILLIANT. The web is amazing and it's the weirdest thing in the world to check my analytics and see green in the UK and the USA.

Oh and I've now made £7.40 so that's £2.40 more than last week. Again I know this isn't millions but it's a start.

I've also sold some old CDs on ebay, another first.

So how would I describe this week? I am having the best time learning so much, I'm totally fascinated by how this all works and not only am I learning but once I have the knowledge for one site I can recreate this across many more.

So as the week draws to a close I'm one step nearer to my goals and that can only be a good thing.

Oh yes and the 3 steps;

1. Find a hungry market

2. Find a product to sell them

3. Repeat again and again and again.

Have a great weekend


Tuesday 20 October 2009

£5 Closer To Being An Entrepreneur


Apologies to those who read this and the lack of entries over the last few weeks but I've been soooooo busy. Let me quickly summarise my last few weeks for you. I have turned 41, thanks to all my friends who came to Lanzarote with me and made it a birthday to remember, I think the resort has finally recovered. It was a brilliant week with old friends and making some new ones....BRILLIANT is the only way to describe it.

As you know I sadly lost my aunt and attended her funeral. Very sad but lovely to meet up with all my family and share fond memories, I'm so glad I went and saw her and spent some quality time with her before she died.

I attended my first ever entrepreneurs boot camp, what!! I hear some of you say. I loved it, I won't go into it here but I loved every minute of the 2 days and learnt so much. Don't knock one till you've been!

But more brilliantly than that I have made my first £5 on the Internet. HURRAH. So I am now officially an entrepreneur, OK slightly pushing it I know but lets look at what I've achieved over the last few months apart from making the £5.

I now have 2 websites and a blog up and running. I have 7 people who have left comments at 3 of them have left messages in Russian, how weird and wonderful is that.

I have had over 200 hits on my articles so 200 people have read what I have written and I am learning how to get traffic to my other site,, which is nearly finished, and analyse what works and what doesn't. I have learnt more than I ever thought possible and I wake up wanting to know more. Just an aside but I've just made a fab moussaka. So when I look back, yes it's only a fiver but look at everything else.

So today's quick story to mull over:
I have a colleague who I very much admire and who I believe has a talent. She is dedicated and puts hours into the work she performs. She also has her own business, which I personally think she will be very good at. Today we had a chat and at the moment she cannot follow her dream because she doesn't have the time. So here's the quandary, she works hours and hours for someone else, she doesn't get recognised for all her efforts, I'm talking about her big bosses here, but she is putting her own business on hold to work for someone else. Sound familiar to anyone.

Is this right or is this how we have become programmed. Again I'll refer back to my favourite book of Rich Dad Poor Dad but think about this. How many of us do not reach our potential because we are scared to step out of the routine, because it's safe, because we know it, because we might get a good pension.

The only thing I will say is if you have a dream or a talent please don't waste it, please don't look back when it's over and say I wish I had, always say I'm pleased I did.

Take care


Sunday 27 September 2009

A Day Of Thoughtfulness and Comtemplation


I write this post with a sadness in my heart. In the early hours of this morning my Aunt lost her fight against cancer and died. I have only recently been given the news and although I knew it was coming and she is in her seventies I cannot stop the feeling of sadness that pushes into my heart and brings tears to my eyes.

I am also truly grateful, I'm truly grateful she was a big part of my childhood, I have great memories of her and I was also lucky enough to spend the day with her, my uncle and one of my cousins, ten days ago. I visited with my sister and we were able to share laughter, gossip and precious time, which I will now cherish as my last memory. She wasn't in pain and her mental faculty was as sharp as ever, it's just her body shut down as the cancer took over.

So as I walked the dog I started to think about life and remember just how fragile and how precious it really is. My mind wondered through sayings such as "live each day as if it was your last" and "live your life to the full", and I began to think about what this really means. I know over the last few years my thought processes have changed and I try to use my now conscious thoughts to make my life better and make myself a better person and I also try to make the best of every scenario life throws at me and to create my own luck, but do I live each day as if it were my last?, probably not, do I live my life to the full, pretty close to it I would say, but I do forget to make time for friends and family and I do let the unimportant things become important.

So as I raise a glass of Cava in memory of a lovely person I will try and live my life to the full. Will I moan like a drain tomorrow when I go back to work after 10 days off?, you bet I will; but will I inhale the air slightly more on my cycle to work and catch the negative thoughts before they manifest in my mind? yep I will try; and will I smile when I think of my aunt?, most definitely.

So here's to a new week, to all it brings and here's to Ann Perfect, whom I had the great honour of knowing and loving.

Take good care,


Sunday 13 September 2009

To See More Of Your Life Look Around


"What am I talking about now?" I hear you say as you read my title. Well what I'm really talking about is taking more time to make a difference and enjoy your life more. When you are walking along and completing your normal journey to work or dropping off the kids or your general daily life, stop and have a look around you and especially look up. It won't take you much more time but I guarantee you, you will see more than you usually do. I try to do this every day I find myself walking along and to be honest I have seen so many new things that have made me smile it's worth the few extra moments it takes to walk down a road. I've seen 2 ducks sitting on a roof, a heron eyeing up a pond, architecture I never knew existed on my way to work, an amusing incident or catching a child's eye and making them smile. So why am I harping on about this today. Well to be honest it's not just about looking up, it's about taking time, and about realising there is so much more going on than when we get dragged into the daily way of life or want to break free from the daily grind.

It's a simple thought and a simple solution but due to the way we now live it is something we all tend to forget about. We are so used to living 24/7 rushing around at break neck speed we don't have time to stop and look, or talk to others or help others. We live in fear of the world from the reports we are given in the press and the only time we speak to the people travelling on our bus or train or tube is when a disaster hits or something strange happens to change our routine.

So this week here is your challenge, stop and look around, if you see someone struggling to carry something up the stairs help them, if you need to give your seat to someone less able than you, do so. Say hello to a stranger, or thank someone and mean it but more than anything look around and actually see the world you are living in because it is beautiful and full of many good and decent people who like you and me are just living their life.

Let me know how you get on.

Have a great week


Sunday 6 September 2009

Keyword Research and A Free Gift For All My Readers


Wow I am beginning to finally realise the importance of keyword research and how this is literally the key to your site and attracting people to it.

I had my first proper session with my coach on Thursday and my task this week is to research keywords. No problem except to be in with a fighting chance I need to be researching about 1,00 - 3,000 words to find 50-60 keywords which will really help when I get everything up and running on my site. It will also show me if I actually have a niche people want to use and if they do go to my site they will hopefully purchase what I'm offering and make me money. Simple.......mmmmm yes if you have loads of hours in the day where you are doing nothing. It probably takes about 1 hour to do 60.

Good news is I'm focused and work better when I'm aiming for something. I also feel like I'm moving forward with the advice I'm getting, so that is really good.

My free gift, if you click on this link CLICK HERE it will take you to a site where when you make a purchase on the Internet you earn commission. Simple really, just shop as you would do normally but do it through a shop you set up on the site and you earn commission. even better is if you have a friend who does this and they shop through their Internet shop it makes you money!. It's really really easy, I did it in about 2 minutes and it has every shop you could possibly wish for, all the big names and some newer ones as well.

Have a great week


Wednesday 2 September 2009

September Already & One Of Those Days


How on earth did we get to September? Mmmmm so lets see how my Internet business is going. Facts:
I have made the grand total of 50p
I have had 4 comments on
I've had 73 ezine article views.....not bad.
I've published 5 articles and have 1 pending.
I have finally sorted out my website on my training package and have my first coaching session tomorrow after a disastrous start last week.

OK so giving up work is out of the question at the mo!!

Now what is it they say? Something like " anyone can make it but you just have to keep persevering". So I will, I'm certainly nowhere near throwing in the towel. I've got my ideas around my affiliate marketing and now I need to be shown how to go about improving my website and getting people to it.

So why was today one of those days? I won't bore you as you know I love positivity and motivation and I don't think dwelling on the bad aspects of my day will really help......a few glasses of wine and a quick moan will though. I will try and take something positive from my experience of other people today and I'm sure tomorrow will be a great day.

Quick example of how different people think. I was on a seminar/workshop thing today and the question was asked around using a word describing something, cant remember what it was,but I said "brilliant", bloke next to me says "pointless".

" Those who don't value the time, utilise their precious time for worrying and complaining. Value the time by utilising every second in a positive way " - Acharya Sankarji


Sunday 30 August 2009

What Will It Take To Change Your Life?

The above is a question I have only started asking myself over the last 18 months or so. I, like so many of the people I know, have accepted I should work hard, buy a house, pay my bills and then retire. To be honest I have never really questioned this or thought it was a bad thing to do. However, circumstances over a period of time have led me to a place where I now realise for me, and this is a personal thing, it's just not enough any more.

Now I am pretty lucky, yes I've had my ups and downs in life and learnt shed loads about myself and others. I've also had some great experiences and roles within my current job, which to be fair not many people have had, but I'm at a stage where I know there is more to life than hauling myself to work Monday to Friday. Missing out on spending time doing the things I really want to, giving something back to the world and maybe just having a bit more fun.

I've been working since I was 17 and somewhere along the line I think I actually forgot about me. That last bit sounds awful really but I think what I mean is I want my time back. Not to sit around doing nothing but to make a difference doing the things I want to do and spend more time with the friends and family I have. Often when I read inspiring articles or I see people achieving a goal they want to it's because of a large event in their life, a life changing moment. The loss of a loved one, a bad accident, but a moment when their life changed. For the entrepreneurs of this world it's because they listened to other entrepreneurs and they never gave up. They don't see something and think "oh I can't do that, I don't have the money or I don't have the talent or experience". They go right how am I going to achieve this. Oh and they take action. A small five letter word which will actually change your life.

We all have dreams, everyone of us, we all want to achieve, whether it's to be a good parent or a good friend, or get a job or a skill. Even those of us who lack ambition want to achieve something. For most of us there are generally two things that stop us achieving. Confidence and action. Think about it. Do you want to lose weight? What stops you? What don't you do? I'm guessing the answers in some form are you lack the confidence to try i.e. you'd feel self conscious turning up at a gym or buying a fitness magazine in a shop so you don't do anything about it, you take no action and nothing changes. You can apply this to a whole host of things from weight lose to becoming a marathon runner. The thing that prevents us achieving our goals are us. It's the way we think.

Look at Mr Bolt the world record sprinter, he has confidence, he has belief and he achieves. Richard Branson, read his book Screw It Let's Do It. Those people look for ways to achieve their goals, they don't look for the excuses to not even start.

Whether you want to be famous or rich, get employed or get better take some action today. Today is the start of the rest of your life..........ENJOY IT.


Saturday 29 August 2009

It's Back - The X Factor- But Don't Knock It Till You've Tried It.


Yes it's back my, and my sister's, favorite program. Now I know you either love it or hate it and some will even pretend they don't watch it, but they always seem to know who the acts are!

Well I love it, I love laughing, sorry know its bad but can't help it, I love crying at the stories where people are motivated by the loss of a loved one and seeing people who have really got a talent and taken the opportunity to follow their dreams. I guess I'm probably also slightly envious, you see no matter what you think about the people who get up there and really can't sing they are there. They have bitten the bullet, followed a dream and given it a go.

Now not many people know this but I write songs and poems. I do it purely for my own entertainment and have only shared my songs with my partner and a couple of friends. I've had a couple of poems published and find it easier to share them than songs. When I was younger I was in a group, you know what it's like when you're young, no fear of critisism or failure. One of my lifetime dreams is to make a CD with an orchestra playing the backing track and probably someone else singing.But have I ever done anything about it? Nope and why not? honestly? the same reason I don't play them to anyone, the same reason I make sure all the windows are shut before taking to the piano and singing my heart out........the fear of failure and the fear of people laughing at me. Oh I'm great at pushing others and even myself but when it comes to playing in public I just can't do it. And that's why anyone who gives it a go on the X factor has my total admiration. So love it or hate it at least it gives people a chance, oh and it is great entertainment.

Maybe I'll give Youtube a go, at least I'll be in the comfort of my own home with noone looking at me and I don't have to read the reviews!

Follow your dreams................

Monday 24 August 2009

Camping is Definiately Good For The Soul


Well as you can see from the title I've been away for a few days camping. Popped down to the New Forest and had a lovely time, all the talk of wet weather was nowhere to be seen and I came back looking like a lobster. (It's an English rose thing!).

It was great, there is something about being outdoors, having breakfast, enjoying the view. The campsite was fab and smack bang in the forest so walks in every direction and a pub 10 minutes down the road. Having not been camping since a girl guide, and camping didn't hold that many good memories, I invested in a half price tent and packed the dog, the tent and the partner into the car and off we went.

Tents are much much easier to put up and come with inner tent and ground sheet attached. No need to build racks out of mismatching sticks and a piece of string to keep your bags off the floor in 2009 and no need to make a sink for washing up, they had them already there.........lovely.

Being used to 5 star luxury and a bit of a snob I am looking forward to my next camping adventure. There was no computer, no phone signal and no telly, bed by 10 and up by 8 how fab is that.

So I'm back to normal life fully refreshed and up for the challenge. Off to Paris for lunch decadent is that!

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Today Was A Great Day To Make A Difference


Today was a great day. You see today I made a difference, today I had the opportunity to meet someone I would never normally meet and to have an influence on their life.

Today I was given an experience, which not only changed someone elses life but also mine. I was able to experience the rare feeling of really making a difference.

It doesn't matter who it was or how it happened the important thing is I put myself into a situation where it would happen. I allowed myself to take an opportunity where I could make a difference and I was open enough to reflect and analyse and discuss the importance of today with some great teachers, who may not even have known they were teaching me.

I have been incredibly lucky as I have felt the incredible high, the incredible sense of achievement that ultimately goes with making a difference.

Wow you might say how much did you spend, what did you do? In two simple words it cost me my time and I listened. That is it, nothing more and nothing less but in this crazy 24/7 world we live in this was all that was needed to change a persons life hopefully forever and certainly mine for a very long time.

We have a hunger of the mind which asks for knowledge of all around us, and the more we gain, the more is our desire; the more we see, the more we are capable of seeing.

Monday 17 August 2009

Perseverance Will Always Pay Off


I know I've mentioned Richard Branson and his book before but he and many other entrepreneurs say if you persevere it will pay off. When I look at things I have failed at realise this si true. I have either given up because it became to difficult or because something else took my eye and I flitted off in another direction.

Well today is a great day for me, as you know last week I struggled with persevering but I now have three comments on my main blog and 30 yes THIRTY people have read my articles on ezine magazine.............I am soooooooooooooo happy. Is that a bit sad? Yes probably but hey ho.

People are most interested in motivational writing and have been more attracted to my articles on self motivation. This might be an area I need to explore more. I'm pleased because I have a massive interest in this area as you know from this blog.I also want to know how people are finding my site and will ask my coach on Thursday. But it is a really good feeling knowing people are reading your articles. Sometimes I think we all lack self belief or confidence. If you've been watching the athletics you will know even great athletes suffer from mental fatigue and blocks and have to overcome the same things us mere mortals experience.

This takes me back to the same old thing though ACTION...........nothing will change if you don't indulge this one word.

Click Here For More Free Info

Sunday 16 August 2009

Joint Ventures & How They Can Improve Internet Marketing


I have my appointment booked with my coach for Thursday and have been sent a list of things to do before we chat. Oh My Gosh, the list is huge and just goes to show how little I really do know. I have started researching the areas I'm looking at and working out how best to attract traffic to my website and also the best ways of selling my information to others. As you already know I am concentrating on affiliate marketing as I still feel this is the best way forward for me but now I am learning about Joint Venture-JVs for those in the know, and how they are going to assist me. I have a feeling I will be re writing some of the stuff I've done and hopefully focusing more on keywords, which maybe I am missing. I'm sure my research is going to uncover a whole host of info as it has done in the last few hours of sitting here.
For more free info on Joint Ventures and other useful Internet Marketing tools CLICK HERE.

My coach has already given me a great quote: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" Chinese Proverb

I went for a long run yesterday, the first real one I've done since the marathon. All the training at the beginning of the year for the marathon kind of put me off a bit once it was done, but I'm beginning to re discover my running legs and yesterday I remembered why I used to like the longish runs. They are a great time for thinking and problem solving.

The route was beautiful and weather warm and clear, it hurt like mad but I was able to focus and understand things more. I think I have finally found out what this all means and why I'm trying different things and writing different things. I have always wanted to make a difference in other people's lives.........may sound corny but it's true but I'm beginning to understand that you don't have to be wealthy or an expert in anything to do so and you can do it almost every day of your life. I'm going to trial this for a period of time and see how it goes, I will of course let you know.


Thursday 13 August 2009

Remotivated and Looking Forwards


Wow it's the middle of the week already but the good news is I'm back on track. I've attached a story a friend sent me on Facebook today, I hope you like it.

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our thoughts we forget to stop and look round. If you do the same walk to work then just stop for a few minutes and actually have a good look around you. You'll be amazed at what you have been waking past for years.

You always hear the usual stories of pennies on the sidewalk being good luck, gifts from angels, etc. This is the first time I've ever heard this twist on the story. Gives you something to think about.
Several years ago, a lady named Arlene and her husband were invited to spend the weekend at the husband's employer's home. Arlene, was nervous about the weekend. The boss was very wealthy, with a fine home on the waterway, and cars costing more than her house.
The first day and evening went well, and Arlene was delighted to have this rare glimpse into how the very wealthy live. The husband's employer was quite generous as a host, and took them to the finest restaurants. Arlene knew she would never have the opportunity to indulge in this kind of extravagance again, so was enjoying herself immensely.

As the three of them were about to enter an exclusive restaurant that evening, the boss was walking slightly ahead of Arlene and her husband. He stopped suddenly, looking down on the pavement for a long, silent moment.

Arlene wondered if she was supposed to pass him. There was nothing on the ground except a single darkened penny that someone had dropped, and a few cigarette butts . Still silent, the man reached down and picked up the penny.

He held it up and smiled, then put it in his pocket as if he had found a great treasure. How absurd! What need did this man have for a single penny? Why would he even take the time to stop and pick it up?

Throughout dinner, the entire scene nagged at her. Finally, she could stand it no longer. She casually mentioned that her daughter once had a coin collection, and asked if the penny he had found had been of some value.

A smile crept across the man's face as he reached into his pocket for the penny and held it out for her to see. She had seen many pennies before! What was the point of this?

'Look at it.' He said. 'Read what it says.'

She read the words ' United States of America.'
'No, not that; read further.'
'One cent?' 'No, keep reading.'
'In God we Trust?' 'Yes!' 'And?'
'And if I trust in God, the name of God is holy, even on a coin. Whenever I find a coin, I see that inscription. It is written on every single United States coin, but we never seem to notice it! God drops a message right in front of me telling me to trust Him. Who am I to pass it by? When I see a coin, I pray, I stop to see if my trust IS in God at that moment. I pick the coin up as a response to God; that I do trust in Him. For a short time, at least, I cherish it as if it were gold. I think it is God's way of starting a conversation with me. Lucky for me, God is patient and pennies are plentiful!

When I was out shopping today, I found a penny on the sidewalk. I stopped and picked it up, and realized that I had been worrying and fretting in my mind about things I cannot change. I read the words, 'In God We Trust,' and had to laugh. Yes, God, I get the message.

I hope that you too are keeping the trust!

Monday 10 August 2009

Motivation, Motivation, Motivation


I think you will all agree there are times in life when it is difficult to find the motivation to finish what you started or to begin a new adventure or complete the task you want to. I have really struggled over this weekend to find the positive attitude I normally have and the motivation to really push hard on my sites over the weekend.

To be fair I've had some work at home to complete but I feel as though I've lost my way a bit. I understand all of the theory but I'm struggling with the technical side of it all and get very frusrated with HTML and not fully understanding this. It's taken me the last 24 hours to try and remotivate myself and move forward. To help change my mind set I have been reading Richard Branson's book Screw It Let's Do It and re reading The Secret's daily teachings and just trying to remove negative thoughts and focus on why I am trying to change my lifestyle and my life.

Sometimes the problem can be that for the last 22 years this is all I've known and to be fair I am lucky because I have many great things in my life so if nothing really changed in my life then this wouldn't be the end of the world. However I know and I feel I want to change and regain time for me to give something back, to collect my niece from school when she starts and help my sister and brother in law and not to lose those years and I want to have more fun and have new experiences with the people I love. So this evening travelling home I am once more back on track in my mind and I once again understand my desire and my goal. I will go back to my 2 hours a day no matter what life throws at me and I will learn HTML and design and I will succeed.

So in the words of Mr Branson "Screw It Let's Do It".

Friday 7 August 2009

Always Think Positively

Writer's Blog-What To Do When It Strikes


I've been sitting here for the last 10 minutes trying to think about what to write. I've looked at the beginning of the week and the things I was going to achieve and apart from yesterday when I didn't update this blog, friends round for dinner, lovely evening, I'm on track.

I'm having a few problems getting to speak to a coach but these are more to do with the company being in the US and the time zones than anything else so I'm sure I can sort this out quite easily.

So I'm at a bit of a juncture. I can carry on with my blogs and website but I feel I need some expert help now in moving forward. People are starting to click on a few things I have up and running but I still need more exposure and I'm not sure how to do this. I always knew I would have to put the time and effort in but now I need to really focus on the right way to get people to my sites. I guess if it was easy everyone would do it!

Those of you with eagle eyes will notice in my last blog I didn't get a picture loaded. Mmmmmmmmm it wasn't as simple as it looked but I have now downloaded a new tool so hopefully it will help.

There I've written a blog when I couldn't really think about which way I wanted it to go. Oh and I just downloaded an image straight onto a blog so it does all work. I'm going to go and chat with my niece now, at nearly 4 years old she is a great reality check.

Enjoy your Friday


Wednesday 5 August 2009

Working With Images


I've just finished listening to my webinar. Today was about working with images and how to get free images and the tools to use. I never knew there were so many free available tools to use on the Internet. I never knew how much you could do with the google applications.

I'm still on track for doing all the goals I've set myself this week and I've submitted some articles all round the Internet on different forums and groups. Again these are all free to use.

I've just checked my ezine account and whole four people have read my first article. That's four more than before so it's a start

When I first started building my website I was paying for images so hopefully now I won't have to and I can start to practice with my free downloads and get more images across my blogs and my website. I'll give it a go at the end of today's blog and attach an image to see how easy it really is.

I took today off to just potter round and whilst playing on the computer noticed I have a woodpecker who pops in to the garden to feed on the nuts I put out. Worth taking the day off for in itself.

Read this on my Facebook account "People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it!!!"

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Becoming An Expert Article Writer


I attended my webinar today and it was all about article writing and how to post to your blogs good articles that will attract peoples attention and then get them to stay and read what you have to say and then hopefully buy from you. Again I found this very interesting and learnt a lot. One of the most poignant things the teacher said today was about success. If you keep trying and don't give up you will succeed and even when everything seems so much just keep going forwards and you won't fail. I could really relate to this as I've said before I always want to run before I can walk without building the foundation first. Since researching all of this and learning as I go on I sometimes feel over whelmed by all the new information and don't know how to structure my thought processes,and to be honest there have been days when I've got home, feel tired and am over taken by the urge to rest and not work. But I think you have to balance this with life and not get to hung about it but just continue to self motivate and move forward. I have no idea if anyone reads this and I now need to start promoting the things I write and move onto the next level.

I can also see why people will stop and give up when it all becomes a bit difficult.

So I learnt today more about article writing and where to find people to help and also sites to submit article to for more publicity.

For the full article on Becoming An Expert Article Writer CLICK HERE

Monday 3 August 2009

Starting The Week As You Mean To Go On


So I'm on my way home preparing my mind for the evening ahead and the best way to use the 2 hours I've set aside this evening for my Internet project. If you read any motivational books or you're keen on training you will recognise the "start the week as you mean to go on" theory. If you've never heard it before it is basically if you do what you meant to on the Monday you will continue the pattern throughout the week. I actually find this is true. When I was training for the marathon I found if I completed the training routine on the Monday, I was successful at following the program for the rest of the week. On a more day to day explanation I find if I cycle to work on the Monday I am more likely to cycle for the rest of the week. It kind of sets you up even if it's just your sub conscious it does seem to work.

So I'm going to get home, do the things I need to do and then I will contact my mentor or at least make an appointment to speak to them. I will write an article for my main blog and if I have any spare time I will research eBay and see what is selling at the moment.

This is great having a mobile phone connected to the Internet as I have completed one of my goals by writing this blog!

Today I have learnt so many people are frightened of change and never fulfil their potential for fear of failure. As I already know "there is nothing to fear but fear its self".

Take care


Sunday 2 August 2009

Back To Goal Setting


I've just been looking back on some of my old blogs and looked at my goal setting one from before and the goals I had set myself. Well as it's the beginning of a new week I've decided to have a bit of a reality check. I have achieved the things I wanted to over the weekend, oh except when I was waiting for my second webinar I realised it is next Saturday. DOH!

Anyway my previous goals were a bit unrealistic so I have changed them to this:
Update this blog every day.
Update other web blog every other day
Update website over weekend.

This week I also have some webinars and I'm going to make contact with my coach for the same time and see what they say about my sites and if I'm going in the right direction. This is a bit scary as they might decide I need to reassess and start again. At least I have access to some experts.

Not sure when I'm going to be able to look at the eBay thing again but we will try. I do need to be realistic and concentrate on learning rather than ploughing head long into things but I am truly grateful to have these opportunities.

Take care



Friday 31 July 2009

Feel Good Friday


So it's Friday already and another week has whizzed by. I can't believe it's August tomorrow, some say that's a sign of getting old, me I say it's a sign of enjoying my self!

So where am I at the end of this week. Well I sometimes don't feel like I'm achieving much but then I list it all and I can see where I've come from. This week I have had my first article for Ezine published and this has earned me expert status. I'm not really sure what this means but it sounds good to me.
I'm hoping it will drive some traffic to my other sites and get me my first sale, now that would be fab.

I've learnt more about affiliate marketing and also how to link in with eBay. I'm not 100% sure how to add their links to the back page of my site but hopefully will sort this out over the weekend. I have published two new blogs on my new to Internet marketing site and this is my third blog on this site. I have watched 2 one hour long videos on affiliate marketing and have booked 2 live webinairs for Saturday. My TV didn't sell but I will reassess this over the weekend and see if I can find a product which is selling. So all in all not bad really.

I'm still getting frustarted at times when I can't work things out but I know this is my nature and I want to walk before I can run. We live in a world where we are always rushing around and often don't take time to really ubderstand what and why we are doing something. I am currently ubdertaking another course, which is split over 12 months deliberatley to make you undertsand the process and fundamentals. Apparently this is one of the main reasons fail to achieve their goals. Well I'll let you know in a year.

Enjoy the weekend it's your time so enjoy it. Oh just had some great news about the flat I'm buying so it really has become a FEEL GOOD FRIDAY.

Take care


Read my article on Ezine

As Featured On EzineArticles

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Ebay And Affiliate Marketing


Wow it's Wednesday already not sure how that happened. So this week I've been concentrating on Affiliate Marketing and have learnt eBay offer a good Affiliate program. In fact there are 4 different ways you can affiliate with eBay. Again something I never knew, but with a huge store across the globe like eBay surely I must be able to make some money from that? Well I'm going to give it a go, there are quite a few more videos to watch on the subject but I'll plough through them and take it form there I guess.

I'm not sure if I really explained Affiliate Marketing and how it works but as I get my head around it all it does seem for me the best way to start and makes sense with the time I have to invest in this project. We'll see.

My TV didn't sell on eBay so I'm going to review that over the weekend and see where I went wrong. Maybe it's the wrong time of year to sell TVs!! There is a market research tool on eBay which allows you to have look at what's selling, so I'll do that and see what happens. I'll keep you posted.

For more info on Affiliate marketing or working from home Click Here.

Oh forgot to mention my new bank account is now set up, I've got my new credit card with 0% interest so I have all the systems ready to monitor any earnings.

Quick question for you- you're walking along and there is a homeless person do you approach them with a cup of tea and a sandwich, do you ask them if they would like a cup of tea and a sandwich or do you walk on by? It caused me a bit of a dilemma this week.

Monday 27 July 2009

Affiliate Marketing


So this week I am concentrating on affiliate marketing and what it means and how to do it. I have gone through my first webinar on the principles of Internet marketing and affiliate marketing and it seems to make sense especially when you're first starting and you don't have time or maybe even the inclination to set up a store, buy products in, go to the post office and then sort out any customer service issues. You see there really are no excuses not to get started.

It seems many of the major companies have affiliate marketing programmes and you can take part in several different ways. You just need to get your head around selling someone elses product and how easy it is to actually do this. Now if you have time and you want to set up your ecommerce site then great but this is just another way. Every "guru" I have read about suggests this is probably the easiest and simplest way to start before moving on to other strands of creating wealth.

I cover this whole aspect in more detail if you want to read about the different ways affiliate marketing works then click here.

On a more personal note I've lent the lady from work "The Richest Man in Babylon" and one of my other colleagues "The Secret".

Here's to another great week and by the end of this week I aim to have a greater understanding of affiliate marketing. My TV on eBay hasn't had any bids so I need to reassess what I'm doing there but I'm pleased to see it in pride of place on the actual site so that's a start.

Enjoy the week and please feel free to drop me any comments or ideas.


Sunday 26 July 2009

Ebay & Internet Marketing


Well it's the end of the weekend and a time to reflect on the week and plan for the week ahead. I have managed to place a TV on Ebay and use a strategy I have learnt to try and make some money. To be honest it took me forever to set up the account and actually get up and running but again it was a learning curve for me. The good thing about Ebay is it allows people like you and me access to millions of people. Where else could you do that!
Ebay is just another form of Internet Marketing available to the average Jo to get out there and let the world know you are there and market themselves. Now don't get me wrong I always get a bit nervous, frightened of making a fool of myself and someone looking at my site and going "who the heck does she think she is". But the whole concept of the Internet Marketing is the Internet is big enough for anyone to give it a go.

So I shall watch with interest what happens over the next few days on Ebay and see if I can follow the rules I've been shown and make a sell. If I don't I will start again until I do.

I am now beginning to tell more people about my new venture and again no one has laughed at me or raised an eyebrow but have been supportive and I can see some thinking they'd even give it a go. I know though most won't because there will always be an excuse. Even just reading the help points on Ebay takes time but you have to put in the time to learn. I see all those ads about people making fortunes in 4 weeks and it is important to have goals but I'm also a realist and though I'm not a millionaire in the month I've been doing this my life has changed for the better, I am more positive and my out look on life has changed and I remember the things that are important to me.

So a new week begins with new knowledge to learn and a gift for the lady I wrote about last week. Tomorrow I will give her The Riches of Babylon book to read and take it from there.

"You create your universe as you go along"- Winston Churchill.

Thursday 23 July 2009

Are You Really Living Your Life


Today's blog is not really about Internet Marketing or Home Business but you and me the people who want to change. I had a conversation with a colleague today and we were talking about life in general and discussing holidays and the such like. She has a daughter and also a list of all the things she would like to do but is putting on hold until she retires in about 10 years time. The list includes charity work abroad with animals as well as travelling and she told me she had researched some of these things. Guess what she found? The majority of people who sign up for helping overseas or on long term travelling expeditions are either in their early 20s, gap year students, or in their late 50s/60s and retired. Excellent but what the heck happened to the 30 years in between? Where did life go then?

This is again proof of how we have been conditioned to live our lives and for most people 30 years of that is working towards retirement if not more. That just can't be right.
What if you get ill, what if something happens to a loved one and you become a carer. I know through experience how short life can be and how in an instance it could be gone, but we don't think like that, we don't want to be morbid or concern ourselves with what ifs. BUT WHAT IF. If you knew tomorrow was your last day would you turn round and say I wish I'd given that a go or would you say I gave that a go.

I felt sad this person felt this way and I tried to give them a pep talk around living but sometimes I think we are so focused on saving for the future, paying off our mortgages that we just forget how to live and end up existing. I don't think for one moment I have all the answers but I know I'm going to give it a dam good go and try to break free from the constraints my life has put on me or I have put on my self. Don't get me wrong I enjoy my life but there is more, more time to be had with friends and family, more time to be given to helping others and charity and more time for me to live my life.

This post is in memory of Jayne Stratton who would have been 41 years old yesterday.

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Using Credit Cards To Start Your On Line Business


I have just received good news about my credit card application and have one whereby you can transfer a balance over for 0% interest. This basically gives you an interest free loan for a period of time whilst you make your on line business a success and pay off the debt within the quoted period.

For those of you who live in England Martins moneysaving site is a great place to look for how to really utilise credit cards even if you have a bad credit score. But here are the basics of how it works and how you can use it to your advantage.

OK lets start by trying to change your view of credit cards. Credit cards are only a problem if you cannot pay them off and they incur interest. If used properly you can get some good money back deals or points or even airmiles.

If you are going on holiday and you know it will cost you £3000. You can't afford to pay it then but you can afford £300 a month. So you purchase the holiday on your credit card and then you normally have 60 days grace. During that period you apply for a credit card offering an interest free balance transfer. You get the new card, pay it off at £300 per month and it's gone in 10 months time. You've improved your credit score, had your holiday and paid off the card with no interest incurred. Make sense? Well you can do this in exactly the same way to fiance your Internet business. If you need to buy some products to sell on but don't have the instant cash you can use your card, pay it off if you sell the products quickly or transfer it to another allowing you a period of time to improve your marketing and sell your products.

Please remember not to use this card until you have paid it off!!

People will only laugh at your new ideas as they are fearful of change and your success. Don't let their skepticism put you off achieving your goals.

Take care


Monday 20 July 2009

Long Tail Keywords In Internet Marketing


It's Monday, had a great weekend and ready for the new week and new ideas. I have re thought my work load schedule and have now decided to update by blogs during the week and concentrate on my website at the weekend.
The first hour I leave free for learning and the second hour for updates and marketing.

For those of you with eagle eyes you might notice I have changed the titles of my blogs. Now I have done this for a reason and it's all to do with keyword identification and understanding how some people will use specifics, which won't get you as many hits, but the ones it does will be interested in that particular area.

I've updated my main blog with new free information and after blogging this I'm off to do some networking and promoting.


Please please leave a comment or advice or ideas or get in touch with any of your comments.

Oh almost forgot the photo is Lake Louise in Canada...............beautiful!!

Saturday 18 July 2009

Opt in Email On Your Blog Or Websit

Well I've spent most of this afternoon learning about opt in email and how to set up a box on your blog or website pages for people to sign up to a free news letter or gift. Wow there is so much to learn around opt in email and auto responder and which email address to use and how exactly do I create an email address from my site. Thankfully there are websites dedicated to getting you started and they come with their own tutorials. I've also learnt about hub pages and creating more marketing tools to let people know of my existence.
I've got more friends on Facebook and all I need now are 50 hours in a day!!

With all this new knowledge I think todays quote will have to be "It is mans inability to use his greatest gift that stops him from achieving. The power of the mind and thought".

Have a great weekend.

Friday 17 July 2009

A Good Way To End The Week


Good news I've got my website back up and running and to be fair I think it was an advantage as I've refocused and can see where I want to go with the whole site.
I'm going to focus on the following over the weekend and see how it goes:
Updating my other blog and placing some affiliate links and programmes on there.
Use Google tools to establish if I am attracting traffic and the keywords being used to generate traffic.
Make some money as this still isn't happening.

Have a great weekend and happy birthday to my little sister.

Wednesday 15 July 2009

The Joys of Website Building

Wow look at me I m blogging from the platform about to get on the train. My knowledge of technology really has come on!!!
Last night I had one of life's disasters. Actually to be fair if you put in context it was nothing. I was working on my website and decided to change a few things, concentrate on more keywords, include some more information. I tired to down load a picture, which was to big. But couldn't work out how to adjust it. Well to cut a long story short I ended up deleting everything to try and get rid of the picture and after weeks of work I@ve got to start all over again. The language wasn't pleasant but at least I told the computer what for.
I think the most frustrating thing is not understanding how to insert image and reduce the size easily

Tuesday 14 July 2009

How To Use Facebook For Internet Marketing

Ok I'm starting this again as I forgot to press save and managed to go to another page.....I'm sure even the Greats had problems at times!! Any how I've just posted my first Facebook thingy!. What is that called? Well I have to admit I was a bit nervous at first but it all seems fairly straight forward and I even have some friends so that's fab.
The other thing I was wondering tonight is should my blogs be the other way round and would people reading this be encouraged to go the first blog and read what this is all about? Any answers please would be great.
So back to Internet marketing. I think I'm grasping it. The clue is in the title of "marketing". I've refocused my website and where I'm going with that and my other blog is helping me learn as I research the articles. I'm concentrating for now on affiliate marketing and over the next few weeks will be learning more about this and further developing the web page. Again if you fancy having a look at commenting please do. I'll leave the addresses at the bottom.

So today's thought? Well I just opened up The Secret and the page fell to this quote from Marci Shimoff: " Gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more into your life".

Take care


Monday 13 July 2009

Monday Morning Blues

How do weekends fly so quickly by, I'm sure there are less hours in the day. Any how I just couldn't shake the Monday feeling at all today. (Another good reason to succeed!). I tried all my positive mind techniques but no joy. I cycled home and felt better but what really shook me out of this and made me smile was the live webinar I attended on e commerce. To start I found it really useful but some of the questions people were asking made me actually feel like I possessed some knowledge. This gave me the little burst of confidence sometimes needed to sit back and go you know what I am learning, I am improving and I am goigng to be OK. It was also good to know I'm not the only one going through this.

Always remember today was a good day. If you think hard enough you'll find something that made you smile.

Sunday 12 July 2009

Back To Nature & Word Press


Well it's Sunday already and having treated myself to a long weekend of 4 days I can't believe its back to the grindstone tomorrow. It's great to see I have had a reader and a comment, so thank you, it might seem mad but it made a big difference just knowing I had reached someone.

Today I went on my second live webinar about word press and again learnt shed loads, although once more I've spent a good few hours working on my website and also my other blog. To be fair at least an hour and an half of that was inputting an advert called a widget carousel. Looks lovely but I've downloaded all the wrong stuff onto the wrong site and spent most of that time shouting at the computer whose fault it clearly was!!!!

Any how back to nature. Every other Sunday I help out at a wildlife centre. Cleaning out and feeding wild animals that have been rescued. I love it, it's like a therapy. Actually being told what to do and cracking on. Now I'm walking the dog in the woods and I remember all the good things I have in life and the more time I want to spend doing this sort of thing rather than tomorrows getting up at 6 for the rat race to work and my mistakes are back in context and I m back on track.

There is nothing more beautiful than the sun going down over the hills, the birds heading home and the peace and tranquility of nature.

Thank you.

Saturday 11 July 2009

How Making Goals Can Help With Internet Marketing

I was sitting on the bus on Thursday night, coming home from meeting a friend. I'd probably drunk to much wine, there's no relevane in that!! It wasn't late (gone are my days of late nights and alcohol, it's one or the other or a 3 day hangover!) but there was a boy of about 13 sat behind me with an older lady. He was very polite and they were having a very normal conversation. As I continued to listen the conversation changed to goals and the lady asked the boy what he would like to achieve over the next month and how was he going to achieve this.
I smiled to myself as I, at the ripe old age of 40, am only really discovering the need for goals and how they work. As I left the bus I made sure I looked at the boy as I know in my heart of hearts I will see him again as I follow his success in whatever he chooses.

So my goals over the next few weeks are:
Get some readers!!
Update this blog every day.
Update my main blog every day.
Update my website every 2 days.
Continue my research focusing on attracting traffic and building up my sites.

Quote from Bob Procotr: "Why do 1 per cent of the population earn 96% of all the money that's earned? They know The Secret". I've added a bit to that: " and they've taken action."

Thursday 9 July 2009

Attracting Traffic -SEO


So I'm up and running but no one appears to be reading my blogs so how do I attract traffic to my website and my blog?

I need to to use keywords to do this, which I understand and also social networks, which I again understand but I think this is going take me some time as the penny hasn't quite dropped yet around how this actually works.

I have my links created, I have my google ads and I've also created google alerts so I can monitor what's going on. I've done my keyword research but as yet no traffic.

I think I'll spend the next few says trying to get at least a few visitors and do some research around the best way to do that using the knowledge I currently have.

Please feel free to leave a comment or advice.



Click here for free info on internet marketing

Tuesday 7 July 2009

the First Steps To Internet Marketing


Well its been nearly 4 weeks now and this week I think it's all beginning to click. I have created a more formalised blog,, using a host and domain name, which allows me to have slightly more flexibility. I have learnt about market research, keyword research and checking out free tools on the Internet. I know I am still trying to run before I can walk and could probably do with more time management but you know what I'm really enjoying this, lots more than I thought I would. I 'm learning new skills, understanding the Internet more and as time goes on I will make money.

I've also taken a subject I love and created a website, this site is about fitness and for now I'm concentrating on abs, click here to go have a look, let me know what you think, it is a work in progress but also has my first affiliate link.

There is still so much to do and learn but I'm finally getting there and the best thing.............I've taken some ACTION.

Today's quote:

James Ray " every great teacher who has ever walked the planet has told you that life was meant to be abundant".

Good luck and enjoy living.

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Working From Home & Internet Marketing


So here we are in the second to third week of trying to make a new life:

What is Internet Marketing

How do I start?

Will I make money?

Where will this take me?

These are all the questions I have running through my mind. It's been tough finding sometime this week. I have broken down my days and between 8-10pm I try to leave these 2 hours free for my Internet marketing project.

I have also set myself some goals around what I want to achieve and also an exact amount of what I need to make over the next 3 years to be able to live financially free and retire. This is the first time I've done that and I have to say it does really focus your mind onto a goal.

I have registered a website and brought the domain name and am waiting for this to appear in www. I have added some downloaded pictures, although I got a bit lost in resizing them, but the site is ready for some words and to start attracting traffic.

I have focused on a subject I enjoy and that appears to sell........sell what people are selling......... is what I've been advised so hopefully I will. That actually makes sense, there is no point trying to sell something that won't sell.

I've also decided at this very early stage to concentrate on affiliate marketing so have added a link to my site, again I have to say this was a lot more straight forward than I imagined.

So plans for this week:

  • Keyword research

  • Check out competitors websites

  • Ensure domain name is on web

  • Start writing on the website and attract some traffic

I've set up another bank account for my Internet Business and so I don't get my business funds mixed up with my living funds. I've also applied for a credit card to switch over my course fees to make it interest free and able to pay off over a longer period of time.

Well I wish you all the very best over the next few days and my thought for today is from James Ray "Every great teacher who has ever walked the planet has told you that life was meant to be abundant."

My own thought for today as I write this surrounded by the sun in my garden is "Life is for living so start living". I'm sure that's a quote from someone but can't remember who, but I like it and it fits with all the negative people who will try and distract you from your goals.

I'm certainly enjoying learning new skills and watching as things develop.


Saturday 20 June 2009

My First Blog On Internet Marketing & How To Begin


Welcome to you if you have found my blog. I apologise if the blog page isn't that exciting at the moment but this is the first day of my first blog. So what's this all about, well let me tell you a bit about me. I am 40, 41 in a few months time. I've worked hard for the last 22 years for the same public sector organisation and enjoy my job............OK most of the time I enjoy it. But I have decided to change my life, call it a mid life crisis, but for the last 2-3 years I just can't help thinking there is more to life than working a 40-50 hour week, being answerable to someone else all the time and sometimes feeling you're just a number!!! Sound familiar.

I've been looking at different ways to do this, have brought a few properties to supplement my pension and over the last few months have been thinking about the Internet. Now I, like many people, am a bit of a procrastinator and like to see things work before taking any action. In fact if I'm honest the action part often gets lost in the living bit.

Any how to cut a long story short I have taken action. Now some may say I've been foolish but for me I have been offered the opportunity of a life time.

So I've decided to share my journey with anyone who wants to follow and I'm now setting up my own Internet business. I have set myself goals over the next few years and one of those is to retire within 3-4 years time. This will involve paying off my very large mortgage, earning a good wage and leaving my day to day job to do the things I want to do.

I have no experience whatsoever, in fact this is my first ever blog. I'm no whizz kid and have no qualifications to write home about but I do possess an inner desire to change my life and take action.

If anyone reading this is saying oh I'd love to do that then please, please, please go read The Secret, look for The Rich Dad Poor Dad series and the many others who have written about how to understand how your mind is the most powerful thing you possess, but most of all believe in yourself and the power of your own imagination.

I will post every few days and let you know how I'm going, at the moment I want to run before I can walk and am excited, scared and a little confused about websites, Internet speak and the prospect of changing my life forever.

I have thought about the prospect of changing my life a lot. My whole life has been work hard at school, get a good job, work hard, pay off your mortgage and retire.........oh and then start living!! I've had a great life but know there's more.

My thought for today is from Dr Joe Vitale " You can have, do, or be anything you want".