Monday 3 August 2009

Starting The Week As You Mean To Go On


So I'm on my way home preparing my mind for the evening ahead and the best way to use the 2 hours I've set aside this evening for my Internet project. If you read any motivational books or you're keen on training you will recognise the "start the week as you mean to go on" theory. If you've never heard it before it is basically if you do what you meant to on the Monday you will continue the pattern throughout the week. I actually find this is true. When I was training for the marathon I found if I completed the training routine on the Monday, I was successful at following the program for the rest of the week. On a more day to day explanation I find if I cycle to work on the Monday I am more likely to cycle for the rest of the week. It kind of sets you up even if it's just your sub conscious it does seem to work.

So I'm going to get home, do the things I need to do and then I will contact my mentor or at least make an appointment to speak to them. I will write an article for my main blog and if I have any spare time I will research eBay and see what is selling at the moment.

This is great having a mobile phone connected to the Internet as I have completed one of my goals by writing this blog!

Today I have learnt so many people are frightened of change and never fulfil their potential for fear of failure. As I already know "there is nothing to fear but fear its self".

Take care


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