Monday 27 July 2009

Affiliate Marketing


So this week I am concentrating on affiliate marketing and what it means and how to do it. I have gone through my first webinar on the principles of Internet marketing and affiliate marketing and it seems to make sense especially when you're first starting and you don't have time or maybe even the inclination to set up a store, buy products in, go to the post office and then sort out any customer service issues. You see there really are no excuses not to get started.

It seems many of the major companies have affiliate marketing programmes and you can take part in several different ways. You just need to get your head around selling someone elses product and how easy it is to actually do this. Now if you have time and you want to set up your ecommerce site then great but this is just another way. Every "guru" I have read about suggests this is probably the easiest and simplest way to start before moving on to other strands of creating wealth.

I cover this whole aspect in more detail if you want to read about the different ways affiliate marketing works then click here.

On a more personal note I've lent the lady from work "The Richest Man in Babylon" and one of my other colleagues "The Secret".

Here's to another great week and by the end of this week I aim to have a greater understanding of affiliate marketing. My TV on eBay hasn't had any bids so I need to reassess what I'm doing there but I'm pleased to see it in pride of place on the actual site so that's a start.

Enjoy the week and please feel free to drop me any comments or ideas.


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