Friday 27 November 2009

Pastures Old & New


Today I'm closing a chapter in my working life and on Monday go back to my old role. As I sit on the bus travelling to work, with a slight hangover I have to admit, I find myself looking back over the last 6 months and thinking about what I ve learnt.

I won't bore you with my role or what I did but it's more about the people I've met and the effect of them on me and hopefully me on them. The last 6 months has probably had the most effect on me as a person than many of my other roles. I've learnt that the majority of people want to do well and actually want to make a difference despite sometimes working in difficult circunstances and being belittled by others who have no understanding.

I've learnt if you take time to listen to people and give them time they will give you so much more back and the rewards of seeing others open up, review themsleves and look for new opportunities in life. This is more rewarding than achieving yourself. Which is a little back to front as the only reason I became involved in thie role is because I had been unsuccessful myself.

So I will leave work today a little sad but exceptionally grateful I had this opportunity. Pleased to have met some really brilliant people who have influenced my life and hopefully I theirs and next week we stat another adventure.

Whilst my adventure continues to grow sadly one of my partners friends is drawing to an early close. These events always tinged with sadness remind us of how precious the gift of life is and how important it is to embrace everythin we have.

Live life to the full, never regret or wish you had and take every opportunity life throws your way and never give up on your dream or desire, as success comes to those who never give up.

Take care


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