Sunday 12 July 2009

Back To Nature & Word Press


Well it's Sunday already and having treated myself to a long weekend of 4 days I can't believe its back to the grindstone tomorrow. It's great to see I have had a reader and a comment, so thank you, it might seem mad but it made a big difference just knowing I had reached someone.

Today I went on my second live webinar about word press and again learnt shed loads, although once more I've spent a good few hours working on my website and also my other blog. To be fair at least an hour and an half of that was inputting an advert called a widget carousel. Looks lovely but I've downloaded all the wrong stuff onto the wrong site and spent most of that time shouting at the computer whose fault it clearly was!!!!

Any how back to nature. Every other Sunday I help out at a wildlife centre. Cleaning out and feeding wild animals that have been rescued. I love it, it's like a therapy. Actually being told what to do and cracking on. Now I'm walking the dog in the woods and I remember all the good things I have in life and the more time I want to spend doing this sort of thing rather than tomorrows getting up at 6 for the rat race to work and my mistakes are back in context and I m back on track.

There is nothing more beautiful than the sun going down over the hills, the birds heading home and the peace and tranquility of nature.

Thank you.

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