Sunday 16 August 2009

Joint Ventures & How They Can Improve Internet Marketing


I have my appointment booked with my coach for Thursday and have been sent a list of things to do before we chat. Oh My Gosh, the list is huge and just goes to show how little I really do know. I have started researching the areas I'm looking at and working out how best to attract traffic to my website and also the best ways of selling my information to others. As you already know I am concentrating on affiliate marketing as I still feel this is the best way forward for me but now I am learning about Joint Venture-JVs for those in the know, and how they are going to assist me. I have a feeling I will be re writing some of the stuff I've done and hopefully focusing more on keywords, which maybe I am missing. I'm sure my research is going to uncover a whole host of info as it has done in the last few hours of sitting here.
For more free info on Joint Ventures and other useful Internet Marketing tools CLICK HERE.

My coach has already given me a great quote: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" Chinese Proverb

I went for a long run yesterday, the first real one I've done since the marathon. All the training at the beginning of the year for the marathon kind of put me off a bit once it was done, but I'm beginning to re discover my running legs and yesterday I remembered why I used to like the longish runs. They are a great time for thinking and problem solving.

The route was beautiful and weather warm and clear, it hurt like mad but I was able to focus and understand things more. I think I have finally found out what this all means and why I'm trying different things and writing different things. I have always wanted to make a difference in other people's lives.........may sound corny but it's true but I'm beginning to understand that you don't have to be wealthy or an expert in anything to do so and you can do it almost every day of your life. I'm going to trial this for a period of time and see how it goes, I will of course let you know.


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