Monday 10 August 2009

Motivation, Motivation, Motivation


I think you will all agree there are times in life when it is difficult to find the motivation to finish what you started or to begin a new adventure or complete the task you want to. I have really struggled over this weekend to find the positive attitude I normally have and the motivation to really push hard on my sites over the weekend.

To be fair I've had some work at home to complete but I feel as though I've lost my way a bit. I understand all of the theory but I'm struggling with the technical side of it all and get very frusrated with HTML and not fully understanding this. It's taken me the last 24 hours to try and remotivate myself and move forward. To help change my mind set I have been reading Richard Branson's book Screw It Let's Do It and re reading The Secret's daily teachings and just trying to remove negative thoughts and focus on why I am trying to change my lifestyle and my life.

Sometimes the problem can be that for the last 22 years this is all I've known and to be fair I am lucky because I have many great things in my life so if nothing really changed in my life then this wouldn't be the end of the world. However I know and I feel I want to change and regain time for me to give something back, to collect my niece from school when she starts and help my sister and brother in law and not to lose those years and I want to have more fun and have new experiences with the people I love. So this evening travelling home I am once more back on track in my mind and I once again understand my desire and my goal. I will go back to my 2 hours a day no matter what life throws at me and I will learn HTML and design and I will succeed.

So in the words of Mr Branson "Screw It Let's Do It".

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