Monday 20 July 2009

Long Tail Keywords In Internet Marketing


It's Monday, had a great weekend and ready for the new week and new ideas. I have re thought my work load schedule and have now decided to update by blogs during the week and concentrate on my website at the weekend.
The first hour I leave free for learning and the second hour for updates and marketing.

For those of you with eagle eyes you might notice I have changed the titles of my blogs. Now I have done this for a reason and it's all to do with keyword identification and understanding how some people will use specifics, which won't get you as many hits, but the ones it does will be interested in that particular area.

I've updated my main blog with new free information and after blogging this I'm off to do some networking and promoting.


Please please leave a comment or advice or ideas or get in touch with any of your comments.

Oh almost forgot the photo is Lake Louise in Canada...............beautiful!!

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