Saturday 11 July 2009

How Making Goals Can Help With Internet Marketing

I was sitting on the bus on Thursday night, coming home from meeting a friend. I'd probably drunk to much wine, there's no relevane in that!! It wasn't late (gone are my days of late nights and alcohol, it's one or the other or a 3 day hangover!) but there was a boy of about 13 sat behind me with an older lady. He was very polite and they were having a very normal conversation. As I continued to listen the conversation changed to goals and the lady asked the boy what he would like to achieve over the next month and how was he going to achieve this.
I smiled to myself as I, at the ripe old age of 40, am only really discovering the need for goals and how they work. As I left the bus I made sure I looked at the boy as I know in my heart of hearts I will see him again as I follow his success in whatever he chooses.

So my goals over the next few weeks are:
Get some readers!!
Update this blog every day.
Update my main blog every day.
Update my website every 2 days.
Continue my research focusing on attracting traffic and building up my sites.

Quote from Bob Procotr: "Why do 1 per cent of the population earn 96% of all the money that's earned? They know The Secret". I've added a bit to that: " and they've taken action."

1 comment:

  1. I am reading your blog, and enjoying the content. Good to see other people are doing the same thing and having the same troubles I am. Keep up the good work.
    British Maverick
