Saturday 18 July 2009

Opt in Email On Your Blog Or Websit

Well I've spent most of this afternoon learning about opt in email and how to set up a box on your blog or website pages for people to sign up to a free news letter or gift. Wow there is so much to learn around opt in email and auto responder and which email address to use and how exactly do I create an email address from my site. Thankfully there are websites dedicated to getting you started and they come with their own tutorials. I've also learnt about hub pages and creating more marketing tools to let people know of my existence.
I've got more friends on Facebook and all I need now are 50 hours in a day!!

With all this new knowledge I think todays quote will have to be "It is mans inability to use his greatest gift that stops him from achieving. The power of the mind and thought".

Have a great weekend.

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