Tuesday 18 August 2009

Today Was A Great Day To Make A Difference


Today was a great day. You see today I made a difference, today I had the opportunity to meet someone I would never normally meet and to have an influence on their life.

Today I was given an experience, which not only changed someone elses life but also mine. I was able to experience the rare feeling of really making a difference.

It doesn't matter who it was or how it happened the important thing is I put myself into a situation where it would happen. I allowed myself to take an opportunity where I could make a difference and I was open enough to reflect and analyse and discuss the importance of today with some great teachers, who may not even have known they were teaching me.

I have been incredibly lucky as I have felt the incredible high, the incredible sense of achievement that ultimately goes with making a difference.

Wow you might say how much did you spend, what did you do? In two simple words it cost me my time and I listened. That is it, nothing more and nothing less but in this crazy 24/7 world we live in this was all that was needed to change a persons life hopefully forever and certainly mine for a very long time.

We have a hunger of the mind which asks for knowledge of all around us, and the more we gain, the more is our desire; the more we see, the more we are capable of seeing.

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