Wednesday 5 August 2009

Working With Images


I've just finished listening to my webinar. Today was about working with images and how to get free images and the tools to use. I never knew there were so many free available tools to use on the Internet. I never knew how much you could do with the google applications.

I'm still on track for doing all the goals I've set myself this week and I've submitted some articles all round the Internet on different forums and groups. Again these are all free to use.

I've just checked my ezine account and whole four people have read my first article. That's four more than before so it's a start

When I first started building my website I was paying for images so hopefully now I won't have to and I can start to practice with my free downloads and get more images across my blogs and my website. I'll give it a go at the end of today's blog and attach an image to see how easy it really is.

I took today off to just potter round and whilst playing on the computer noticed I have a woodpecker who pops in to the garden to feed on the nuts I put out. Worth taking the day off for in itself.

Read this on my Facebook account "People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it!!!"

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