Monday 17 August 2009

Perseverance Will Always Pay Off


I know I've mentioned Richard Branson and his book before but he and many other entrepreneurs say if you persevere it will pay off. When I look at things I have failed at realise this si true. I have either given up because it became to difficult or because something else took my eye and I flitted off in another direction.

Well today is a great day for me, as you know last week I struggled with persevering but I now have three comments on my main blog and 30 yes THIRTY people have read my articles on ezine magazine.............I am soooooooooooooo happy. Is that a bit sad? Yes probably but hey ho.

People are most interested in motivational writing and have been more attracted to my articles on self motivation. This might be an area I need to explore more. I'm pleased because I have a massive interest in this area as you know from this blog.I also want to know how people are finding my site and will ask my coach on Thursday. But it is a really good feeling knowing people are reading your articles. Sometimes I think we all lack self belief or confidence. If you've been watching the athletics you will know even great athletes suffer from mental fatigue and blocks and have to overcome the same things us mere mortals experience.

This takes me back to the same old thing though ACTION...........nothing will change if you don't indulge this one word.

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