Tuesday 7 July 2009

the First Steps To Internet Marketing


Well its been nearly 4 weeks now and this week I think it's all beginning to click. I have created a more formalised blog, www.new-to-internet-marketing.com., using a host and domain name, which allows me to have slightly more flexibility. I have learnt about market research, keyword research and checking out free tools on the Internet. I know I am still trying to run before I can walk and could probably do with more time management but you know what I'm really enjoying this, lots more than I thought I would. I 'm learning new skills, understanding the Internet more and as time goes on I will make money.

I've also taken a subject I love and created a website, this site is about fitness and for now I'm concentrating on abs, click here to go have a look, let me know what you think, it is a work in progress but also has my first affiliate link.

There is still so much to do and learn but I'm finally getting there and the best thing.............I've taken some ACTION.

Today's quote:

James Ray " every great teacher who has ever walked the planet has told you that life was meant to be abundant".

Good luck and enjoy living.

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