Thursday 29 October 2009

How To Be an Entrepreneur In 3 Easy Steps


Wow what an evening with my coach, it's finally all beginning to click. I understand keywords and where they need to go. I understand marketing and what I need to do. I have a step by step guide on how to market my site and each week I complete a step and get more traffic. 55 people across the world have visited my site. 55!!! Half of them from America.

OK OK so it's not thousands but I have a site and a way to attract people to that site and I'm only on step 4 of 32. So those 4 steps have got me 55 people this week.

Not only that but 249 people have read my articles. 249 people from across the world have read what I have to say. BRILLIANT. The web is amazing and it's the weirdest thing in the world to check my analytics and see green in the UK and the USA.

Oh and I've now made £7.40 so that's £2.40 more than last week. Again I know this isn't millions but it's a start.

I've also sold some old CDs on ebay, another first.

So how would I describe this week? I am having the best time learning so much, I'm totally fascinated by how this all works and not only am I learning but once I have the knowledge for one site I can recreate this across many more.

So as the week draws to a close I'm one step nearer to my goals and that can only be a good thing.

Oh yes and the 3 steps;

1. Find a hungry market

2. Find a product to sell them

3. Repeat again and again and again.

Have a great weekend


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