Friday 18 December 2009

Living In The Moment


So it's a week to Christmas day and for the first time in years I'm actually prepared! Now for those of you who know me you will understand this as I used to be a bit of a Christmas week last minute rush fanatic.

Circumstances this year.....working near Putney High St.......have allowed me to be a little more prepared. In fact as of today I am ready, OK not quite wrapped but ready. I'm looking forward to a day with my family and especially my 4 year old niece.

Last weekend I attended a course, a course about life and living in the moment. Now to be honest I wasn't sure what to expect and I hadn't intended by any stretch of the imagination to get a "life changing" experience from this course. But I have. Now I'm not necessarily the worlds best at explaining myself but I can honestly say I have found an inner peace, a new sense of worth and I know I am going to be successful.

It's funny but when you start speaking these things and sharing what you want to achieve then things start to happen for no apparent reason, coincidence, the cynics amongst us will say yes, but me I see this as opportunities not to be missed.

You see we can all spend our lives blaming things on others, blaming our parents for not doing the job we expected, blaming past relationships for the future ones we fail in or blaming anyone but us for the things we perceive are happening. It's easy to walk past something which needs changing, to not stretch out a hand to a stranger in the street or to bury our heads in the sand rather than have a conversation which needs to be had or saying words which need to be said

I know I am on a journey, but now I know that every aspect of this journey I can create by living in each and every moment. Now this might seem a bit weird but if you stop and really think about this, look at what great philosophers of our time have preached, you all know the sayings, "Life is what you make it", "yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future and now is your actual life", you can see this is not new and has been practiced for years.

So that's what I've started to do and it takes some work I can tell you. But, in doing so, I have come to appreciate the things I have and come to realise that by living like this I can take complete control of who I am and what I want to become. I am creating the possibility of being anything I want.

I also understand fully about integrity and taking responsibility for the things which may not have gone right and putting those things right. Making the past complete to move forward. An example, my dad is an alcoholic and I have let my anger and resentment towards him affect our relationship. I have now spoken to him about this and told him I do love him, I don't always understand him being this way but it does not mean he doesn't love me, I made that bit up in my mind to justify my anger towards him.

I hope that makes sense and if it doesn't you just have to trust me it does work.

The other important thing in life is people are their word as this is all we have to give and if we don't have our word, we don't have our integrity. Wow I feel like a preacher, I'm not I just think this is important and it has helped me to understand what and why things are important.

I hope you all have a great Christmas and Happy New Year and will write again in 2010(unless I feel the need to share something else with my blog!)

Take care



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