Saturday 29 August 2009

It's Back - The X Factor- But Don't Knock It Till You've Tried It.


Yes it's back my, and my sister's, favorite program. Now I know you either love it or hate it and some will even pretend they don't watch it, but they always seem to know who the acts are!

Well I love it, I love laughing, sorry know its bad but can't help it, I love crying at the stories where people are motivated by the loss of a loved one and seeing people who have really got a talent and taken the opportunity to follow their dreams. I guess I'm probably also slightly envious, you see no matter what you think about the people who get up there and really can't sing they are there. They have bitten the bullet, followed a dream and given it a go.

Now not many people know this but I write songs and poems. I do it purely for my own entertainment and have only shared my songs with my partner and a couple of friends. I've had a couple of poems published and find it easier to share them than songs. When I was younger I was in a group, you know what it's like when you're young, no fear of critisism or failure. One of my lifetime dreams is to make a CD with an orchestra playing the backing track and probably someone else singing.But have I ever done anything about it? Nope and why not? honestly? the same reason I don't play them to anyone, the same reason I make sure all the windows are shut before taking to the piano and singing my heart out........the fear of failure and the fear of people laughing at me. Oh I'm great at pushing others and even myself but when it comes to playing in public I just can't do it. And that's why anyone who gives it a go on the X factor has my total admiration. So love it or hate it at least it gives people a chance, oh and it is great entertainment.

Maybe I'll give Youtube a go, at least I'll be in the comfort of my own home with noone looking at me and I don't have to read the reviews!

Follow your dreams................

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