Wednesday 2 September 2009

September Already & One Of Those Days


How on earth did we get to September? Mmmmm so lets see how my Internet business is going. Facts:
I have made the grand total of 50p
I have had 4 comments on
I've had 73 ezine article views.....not bad.
I've published 5 articles and have 1 pending.
I have finally sorted out my website on my training package and have my first coaching session tomorrow after a disastrous start last week.

OK so giving up work is out of the question at the mo!!

Now what is it they say? Something like " anyone can make it but you just have to keep persevering". So I will, I'm certainly nowhere near throwing in the towel. I've got my ideas around my affiliate marketing and now I need to be shown how to go about improving my website and getting people to it.

So why was today one of those days? I won't bore you as you know I love positivity and motivation and I don't think dwelling on the bad aspects of my day will really help......a few glasses of wine and a quick moan will though. I will try and take something positive from my experience of other people today and I'm sure tomorrow will be a great day.

Quick example of how different people think. I was on a seminar/workshop thing today and the question was asked around using a word describing something, cant remember what it was,but I said "brilliant", bloke next to me says "pointless".

" Those who don't value the time, utilise their precious time for worrying and complaining. Value the time by utilising every second in a positive way " - Acharya Sankarji


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