Sunday 2 August 2009

Back To Goal Setting


I've just been looking back on some of my old blogs and looked at my goal setting one from before and the goals I had set myself. Well as it's the beginning of a new week I've decided to have a bit of a reality check. I have achieved the things I wanted to over the weekend, oh except when I was waiting for my second webinar I realised it is next Saturday. DOH!

Anyway my previous goals were a bit unrealistic so I have changed them to this:
Update this blog every day.
Update other web blog every other day
Update website over weekend.

This week I also have some webinars and I'm going to make contact with my coach for the same time and see what they say about my sites and if I'm going in the right direction. This is a bit scary as they might decide I need to reassess and start again. At least I have access to some experts.

Not sure when I'm going to be able to look at the eBay thing again but we will try. I do need to be realistic and concentrate on learning rather than ploughing head long into things but I am truly grateful to have these opportunities.

Take care



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