Tuesday 14 July 2009

How To Use Facebook For Internet Marketing

Ok I'm starting this again as I forgot to press save and managed to go to another page.....I'm sure even the Greats had problems at times!! Any how I've just posted my first Facebook thingy!. What is that called? Well I have to admit I was a bit nervous at first but it all seems fairly straight forward and I even have some friends so that's fab.
The other thing I was wondering tonight is should my blogs be the other way round and would people reading this be encouraged to go the first blog and read what this is all about? Any answers please would be great.
So back to Internet marketing. I think I'm grasping it. The clue is in the title of "marketing". I've refocused my website and where I'm going with that and my other blog is helping me learn as I research the articles. I'm concentrating for now on affiliate marketing and over the next few weeks will be learning more about this and further developing the web page. Again if you fancy having a look at commenting please do. I'll leave the addresses at the bottom.

So today's thought? Well I just opened up The Secret and the page fell to this quote from Marci Shimoff: " Gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more into your life".

Take care



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