Friday 7 August 2009

Writer's Blog-What To Do When It Strikes


I've been sitting here for the last 10 minutes trying to think about what to write. I've looked at the beginning of the week and the things I was going to achieve and apart from yesterday when I didn't update this blog, friends round for dinner, lovely evening, I'm on track.

I'm having a few problems getting to speak to a coach but these are more to do with the company being in the US and the time zones than anything else so I'm sure I can sort this out quite easily.

So I'm at a bit of a juncture. I can carry on with my blogs and website but I feel I need some expert help now in moving forward. People are starting to click on a few things I have up and running but I still need more exposure and I'm not sure how to do this. I always knew I would have to put the time and effort in but now I need to really focus on the right way to get people to my sites. I guess if it was easy everyone would do it!

Those of you with eagle eyes will notice in my last blog I didn't get a picture loaded. Mmmmmmmmm it wasn't as simple as it looked but I have now downloaded a new tool so hopefully it will help.

There I've written a blog when I couldn't really think about which way I wanted it to go. Oh and I just downloaded an image straight onto a blog so it does all work. I'm going to go and chat with my niece now, at nearly 4 years old she is a great reality check.

Enjoy your Friday


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