Sunday 6 September 2009

Keyword Research and A Free Gift For All My Readers


Wow I am beginning to finally realise the importance of keyword research and how this is literally the key to your site and attracting people to it.

I had my first proper session with my coach on Thursday and my task this week is to research keywords. No problem except to be in with a fighting chance I need to be researching about 1,00 - 3,000 words to find 50-60 keywords which will really help when I get everything up and running on my site. It will also show me if I actually have a niche people want to use and if they do go to my site they will hopefully purchase what I'm offering and make me money. Simple.......mmmmm yes if you have loads of hours in the day where you are doing nothing. It probably takes about 1 hour to do 60.

Good news is I'm focused and work better when I'm aiming for something. I also feel like I'm moving forward with the advice I'm getting, so that is really good.

My free gift, if you click on this link CLICK HERE it will take you to a site where when you make a purchase on the Internet you earn commission. Simple really, just shop as you would do normally but do it through a shop you set up on the site and you earn commission. even better is if you have a friend who does this and they shop through their Internet shop it makes you money!. It's really really easy, I did it in about 2 minutes and it has every shop you could possibly wish for, all the big names and some newer ones as well.

Have a great week


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