Friday 31 July 2009

Feel Good Friday


So it's Friday already and another week has whizzed by. I can't believe it's August tomorrow, some say that's a sign of getting old, me I say it's a sign of enjoying my self!

So where am I at the end of this week. Well I sometimes don't feel like I'm achieving much but then I list it all and I can see where I've come from. This week I have had my first article for Ezine published and this has earned me expert status. I'm not really sure what this means but it sounds good to me.
I'm hoping it will drive some traffic to my other sites and get me my first sale, now that would be fab.

I've learnt more about affiliate marketing and also how to link in with eBay. I'm not 100% sure how to add their links to the back page of my site but hopefully will sort this out over the weekend. I have published two new blogs on my new to Internet marketing site and this is my third blog on this site. I have watched 2 one hour long videos on affiliate marketing and have booked 2 live webinairs for Saturday. My TV didn't sell but I will reassess this over the weekend and see if I can find a product which is selling. So all in all not bad really.

I'm still getting frustarted at times when I can't work things out but I know this is my nature and I want to walk before I can run. We live in a world where we are always rushing around and often don't take time to really ubderstand what and why we are doing something. I am currently ubdertaking another course, which is split over 12 months deliberatley to make you undertsand the process and fundamentals. Apparently this is one of the main reasons fail to achieve their goals. Well I'll let you know in a year.

Enjoy the weekend it's your time so enjoy it. Oh just had some great news about the flat I'm buying so it really has become a FEEL GOOD FRIDAY.

Take care


Read my article on Ezine

As Featured On EzineArticles

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