Sunday 26 July 2009

Ebay & Internet Marketing


Well it's the end of the weekend and a time to reflect on the week and plan for the week ahead. I have managed to place a TV on Ebay and use a strategy I have learnt to try and make some money. To be honest it took me forever to set up the account and actually get up and running but again it was a learning curve for me. The good thing about Ebay is it allows people like you and me access to millions of people. Where else could you do that!
Ebay is just another form of Internet Marketing available to the average Jo to get out there and let the world know you are there and market themselves. Now don't get me wrong I always get a bit nervous, frightened of making a fool of myself and someone looking at my site and going "who the heck does she think she is". But the whole concept of the Internet Marketing is the Internet is big enough for anyone to give it a go.

So I shall watch with interest what happens over the next few days on Ebay and see if I can follow the rules I've been shown and make a sell. If I don't I will start again until I do.

I am now beginning to tell more people about my new venture and again no one has laughed at me or raised an eyebrow but have been supportive and I can see some thinking they'd even give it a go. I know though most won't because there will always be an excuse. Even just reading the help points on Ebay takes time but you have to put in the time to learn. I see all those ads about people making fortunes in 4 weeks and it is important to have goals but I'm also a realist and though I'm not a millionaire in the month I've been doing this my life has changed for the better, I am more positive and my out look on life has changed and I remember the things that are important to me.

So a new week begins with new knowledge to learn and a gift for the lady I wrote about last week. Tomorrow I will give her The Riches of Babylon book to read and take it from there.

"You create your universe as you go along"- Winston Churchill.

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