Sunday 13 September 2009

To See More Of Your Life Look Around


"What am I talking about now?" I hear you say as you read my title. Well what I'm really talking about is taking more time to make a difference and enjoy your life more. When you are walking along and completing your normal journey to work or dropping off the kids or your general daily life, stop and have a look around you and especially look up. It won't take you much more time but I guarantee you, you will see more than you usually do. I try to do this every day I find myself walking along and to be honest I have seen so many new things that have made me smile it's worth the few extra moments it takes to walk down a road. I've seen 2 ducks sitting on a roof, a heron eyeing up a pond, architecture I never knew existed on my way to work, an amusing incident or catching a child's eye and making them smile. So why am I harping on about this today. Well to be honest it's not just about looking up, it's about taking time, and about realising there is so much more going on than when we get dragged into the daily way of life or want to break free from the daily grind.

It's a simple thought and a simple solution but due to the way we now live it is something we all tend to forget about. We are so used to living 24/7 rushing around at break neck speed we don't have time to stop and look, or talk to others or help others. We live in fear of the world from the reports we are given in the press and the only time we speak to the people travelling on our bus or train or tube is when a disaster hits or something strange happens to change our routine.

So this week here is your challenge, stop and look around, if you see someone struggling to carry something up the stairs help them, if you need to give your seat to someone less able than you, do so. Say hello to a stranger, or thank someone and mean it but more than anything look around and actually see the world you are living in because it is beautiful and full of many good and decent people who like you and me are just living their life.

Let me know how you get on.

Have a great week


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