Sunday 30 August 2009

What Will It Take To Change Your Life?

The above is a question I have only started asking myself over the last 18 months or so. I, like so many of the people I know, have accepted I should work hard, buy a house, pay my bills and then retire. To be honest I have never really questioned this or thought it was a bad thing to do. However, circumstances over a period of time have led me to a place where I now realise for me, and this is a personal thing, it's just not enough any more.

Now I am pretty lucky, yes I've had my ups and downs in life and learnt shed loads about myself and others. I've also had some great experiences and roles within my current job, which to be fair not many people have had, but I'm at a stage where I know there is more to life than hauling myself to work Monday to Friday. Missing out on spending time doing the things I really want to, giving something back to the world and maybe just having a bit more fun.

I've been working since I was 17 and somewhere along the line I think I actually forgot about me. That last bit sounds awful really but I think what I mean is I want my time back. Not to sit around doing nothing but to make a difference doing the things I want to do and spend more time with the friends and family I have. Often when I read inspiring articles or I see people achieving a goal they want to it's because of a large event in their life, a life changing moment. The loss of a loved one, a bad accident, but a moment when their life changed. For the entrepreneurs of this world it's because they listened to other entrepreneurs and they never gave up. They don't see something and think "oh I can't do that, I don't have the money or I don't have the talent or experience". They go right how am I going to achieve this. Oh and they take action. A small five letter word which will actually change your life.

We all have dreams, everyone of us, we all want to achieve, whether it's to be a good parent or a good friend, or get a job or a skill. Even those of us who lack ambition want to achieve something. For most of us there are generally two things that stop us achieving. Confidence and action. Think about it. Do you want to lose weight? What stops you? What don't you do? I'm guessing the answers in some form are you lack the confidence to try i.e. you'd feel self conscious turning up at a gym or buying a fitness magazine in a shop so you don't do anything about it, you take no action and nothing changes. You can apply this to a whole host of things from weight lose to becoming a marathon runner. The thing that prevents us achieving our goals are us. It's the way we think.

Look at Mr Bolt the world record sprinter, he has confidence, he has belief and he achieves. Richard Branson, read his book Screw It Let's Do It. Those people look for ways to achieve their goals, they don't look for the excuses to not even start.

Whether you want to be famous or rich, get employed or get better take some action today. Today is the start of the rest of your life..........ENJOY IT.


1 comment:

  1. For some inspiration, check out the many inspiring personal stories of life changing "aha moments" at, a site created by Mutual of Omaha. The stories are from real, everyday people and touch on a wide variety of topics. Hope you enjoy.

