Thursday 23 July 2009

Are You Really Living Your Life


Today's blog is not really about Internet Marketing or Home Business but you and me the people who want to change. I had a conversation with a colleague today and we were talking about life in general and discussing holidays and the such like. She has a daughter and also a list of all the things she would like to do but is putting on hold until she retires in about 10 years time. The list includes charity work abroad with animals as well as travelling and she told me she had researched some of these things. Guess what she found? The majority of people who sign up for helping overseas or on long term travelling expeditions are either in their early 20s, gap year students, or in their late 50s/60s and retired. Excellent but what the heck happened to the 30 years in between? Where did life go then?

This is again proof of how we have been conditioned to live our lives and for most people 30 years of that is working towards retirement if not more. That just can't be right.
What if you get ill, what if something happens to a loved one and you become a carer. I know through experience how short life can be and how in an instance it could be gone, but we don't think like that, we don't want to be morbid or concern ourselves with what ifs. BUT WHAT IF. If you knew tomorrow was your last day would you turn round and say I wish I'd given that a go or would you say I gave that a go.

I felt sad this person felt this way and I tried to give them a pep talk around living but sometimes I think we are so focused on saving for the future, paying off our mortgages that we just forget how to live and end up existing. I don't think for one moment I have all the answers but I know I'm going to give it a dam good go and try to break free from the constraints my life has put on me or I have put on my self. Don't get me wrong I enjoy my life but there is more, more time to be had with friends and family, more time to be given to helping others and charity and more time for me to live my life.

This post is in memory of Jayne Stratton who would have been 41 years old yesterday.

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