Tuesday 4 August 2009

Becoming An Expert Article Writer


I attended my webinar today and it was all about article writing and how to post to your blogs good articles that will attract peoples attention and then get them to stay and read what you have to say and then hopefully buy from you. Again I found this very interesting and learnt a lot. One of the most poignant things the teacher said today was about success. If you keep trying and don't give up you will succeed and even when everything seems so much just keep going forwards and you won't fail. I could really relate to this as I've said before I always want to run before I can walk without building the foundation first. Since researching all of this and learning as I go on I sometimes feel over whelmed by all the new information and don't know how to structure my thought processes,and to be honest there have been days when I've got home, feel tired and am over taken by the urge to rest and not work. But I think you have to balance this with life and not get to hung about it but just continue to self motivate and move forward. I have no idea if anyone reads this and I now need to start promoting the things I write and move onto the next level.

I can also see why people will stop and give up when it all becomes a bit difficult.

So I learnt today more about article writing and where to find people to help and also sites to submit article to for more publicity.

For the full article on Becoming An Expert Article Writer CLICK HERE

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