Wednesday 29 July 2009

Ebay And Affiliate Marketing


Wow it's Wednesday already not sure how that happened. So this week I've been concentrating on Affiliate Marketing and have learnt eBay offer a good Affiliate program. In fact there are 4 different ways you can affiliate with eBay. Again something I never knew, but with a huge store across the globe like eBay surely I must be able to make some money from that? Well I'm going to give it a go, there are quite a few more videos to watch on the subject but I'll plough through them and take it form there I guess.

I'm not sure if I really explained Affiliate Marketing and how it works but as I get my head around it all it does seem for me the best way to start and makes sense with the time I have to invest in this project. We'll see.

My TV didn't sell on eBay so I'm going to review that over the weekend and see where I went wrong. Maybe it's the wrong time of year to sell TVs!! There is a market research tool on eBay which allows you to have look at what's selling, so I'll do that and see what happens. I'll keep you posted.

For more info on Affiliate marketing or working from home Click Here.

Oh forgot to mention my new bank account is now set up, I've got my new credit card with 0% interest so I have all the systems ready to monitor any earnings.

Quick question for you- you're walking along and there is a homeless person do you approach them with a cup of tea and a sandwich, do you ask them if they would like a cup of tea and a sandwich or do you walk on by? It caused me a bit of a dilemma this week.

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