Sunday 27 September 2009

A Day Of Thoughtfulness and Comtemplation


I write this post with a sadness in my heart. In the early hours of this morning my Aunt lost her fight against cancer and died. I have only recently been given the news and although I knew it was coming and she is in her seventies I cannot stop the feeling of sadness that pushes into my heart and brings tears to my eyes.

I am also truly grateful, I'm truly grateful she was a big part of my childhood, I have great memories of her and I was also lucky enough to spend the day with her, my uncle and one of my cousins, ten days ago. I visited with my sister and we were able to share laughter, gossip and precious time, which I will now cherish as my last memory. She wasn't in pain and her mental faculty was as sharp as ever, it's just her body shut down as the cancer took over.

So as I walked the dog I started to think about life and remember just how fragile and how precious it really is. My mind wondered through sayings such as "live each day as if it was your last" and "live your life to the full", and I began to think about what this really means. I know over the last few years my thought processes have changed and I try to use my now conscious thoughts to make my life better and make myself a better person and I also try to make the best of every scenario life throws at me and to create my own luck, but do I live each day as if it were my last?, probably not, do I live my life to the full, pretty close to it I would say, but I do forget to make time for friends and family and I do let the unimportant things become important.

So as I raise a glass of Cava in memory of a lovely person I will try and live my life to the full. Will I moan like a drain tomorrow when I go back to work after 10 days off?, you bet I will; but will I inhale the air slightly more on my cycle to work and catch the negative thoughts before they manifest in my mind? yep I will try; and will I smile when I think of my aunt?, most definitely.

So here's to a new week, to all it brings and here's to Ann Perfect, whom I had the great honour of knowing and loving.

Take good care,


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