Friday 31 July 2009

Feel Good Friday


So it's Friday already and another week has whizzed by. I can't believe it's August tomorrow, some say that's a sign of getting old, me I say it's a sign of enjoying my self!

So where am I at the end of this week. Well I sometimes don't feel like I'm achieving much but then I list it all and I can see where I've come from. This week I have had my first article for Ezine published and this has earned me expert status. I'm not really sure what this means but it sounds good to me.
I'm hoping it will drive some traffic to my other sites and get me my first sale, now that would be fab.

I've learnt more about affiliate marketing and also how to link in with eBay. I'm not 100% sure how to add their links to the back page of my site but hopefully will sort this out over the weekend. I have published two new blogs on my new to Internet marketing site and this is my third blog on this site. I have watched 2 one hour long videos on affiliate marketing and have booked 2 live webinairs for Saturday. My TV didn't sell but I will reassess this over the weekend and see if I can find a product which is selling. So all in all not bad really.

I'm still getting frustarted at times when I can't work things out but I know this is my nature and I want to walk before I can run. We live in a world where we are always rushing around and often don't take time to really ubderstand what and why we are doing something. I am currently ubdertaking another course, which is split over 12 months deliberatley to make you undertsand the process and fundamentals. Apparently this is one of the main reasons fail to achieve their goals. Well I'll let you know in a year.

Enjoy the weekend it's your time so enjoy it. Oh just had some great news about the flat I'm buying so it really has become a FEEL GOOD FRIDAY.

Take care


Read my article on Ezine

As Featured On EzineArticles

Wednesday 29 July 2009

Ebay And Affiliate Marketing


Wow it's Wednesday already not sure how that happened. So this week I've been concentrating on Affiliate Marketing and have learnt eBay offer a good Affiliate program. In fact there are 4 different ways you can affiliate with eBay. Again something I never knew, but with a huge store across the globe like eBay surely I must be able to make some money from that? Well I'm going to give it a go, there are quite a few more videos to watch on the subject but I'll plough through them and take it form there I guess.

I'm not sure if I really explained Affiliate Marketing and how it works but as I get my head around it all it does seem for me the best way to start and makes sense with the time I have to invest in this project. We'll see.

My TV didn't sell on eBay so I'm going to review that over the weekend and see where I went wrong. Maybe it's the wrong time of year to sell TVs!! There is a market research tool on eBay which allows you to have look at what's selling, so I'll do that and see what happens. I'll keep you posted.

For more info on Affiliate marketing or working from home Click Here.

Oh forgot to mention my new bank account is now set up, I've got my new credit card with 0% interest so I have all the systems ready to monitor any earnings.

Quick question for you- you're walking along and there is a homeless person do you approach them with a cup of tea and a sandwich, do you ask them if they would like a cup of tea and a sandwich or do you walk on by? It caused me a bit of a dilemma this week.

Monday 27 July 2009

Affiliate Marketing


So this week I am concentrating on affiliate marketing and what it means and how to do it. I have gone through my first webinar on the principles of Internet marketing and affiliate marketing and it seems to make sense especially when you're first starting and you don't have time or maybe even the inclination to set up a store, buy products in, go to the post office and then sort out any customer service issues. You see there really are no excuses not to get started.

It seems many of the major companies have affiliate marketing programmes and you can take part in several different ways. You just need to get your head around selling someone elses product and how easy it is to actually do this. Now if you have time and you want to set up your ecommerce site then great but this is just another way. Every "guru" I have read about suggests this is probably the easiest and simplest way to start before moving on to other strands of creating wealth.

I cover this whole aspect in more detail if you want to read about the different ways affiliate marketing works then click here.

On a more personal note I've lent the lady from work "The Richest Man in Babylon" and one of my other colleagues "The Secret".

Here's to another great week and by the end of this week I aim to have a greater understanding of affiliate marketing. My TV on eBay hasn't had any bids so I need to reassess what I'm doing there but I'm pleased to see it in pride of place on the actual site so that's a start.

Enjoy the week and please feel free to drop me any comments or ideas.


Sunday 26 July 2009

Ebay & Internet Marketing


Well it's the end of the weekend and a time to reflect on the week and plan for the week ahead. I have managed to place a TV on Ebay and use a strategy I have learnt to try and make some money. To be honest it took me forever to set up the account and actually get up and running but again it was a learning curve for me. The good thing about Ebay is it allows people like you and me access to millions of people. Where else could you do that!
Ebay is just another form of Internet Marketing available to the average Jo to get out there and let the world know you are there and market themselves. Now don't get me wrong I always get a bit nervous, frightened of making a fool of myself and someone looking at my site and going "who the heck does she think she is". But the whole concept of the Internet Marketing is the Internet is big enough for anyone to give it a go.

So I shall watch with interest what happens over the next few days on Ebay and see if I can follow the rules I've been shown and make a sell. If I don't I will start again until I do.

I am now beginning to tell more people about my new venture and again no one has laughed at me or raised an eyebrow but have been supportive and I can see some thinking they'd even give it a go. I know though most won't because there will always be an excuse. Even just reading the help points on Ebay takes time but you have to put in the time to learn. I see all those ads about people making fortunes in 4 weeks and it is important to have goals but I'm also a realist and though I'm not a millionaire in the month I've been doing this my life has changed for the better, I am more positive and my out look on life has changed and I remember the things that are important to me.

So a new week begins with new knowledge to learn and a gift for the lady I wrote about last week. Tomorrow I will give her The Riches of Babylon book to read and take it from there.

"You create your universe as you go along"- Winston Churchill.

Thursday 23 July 2009

Are You Really Living Your Life


Today's blog is not really about Internet Marketing or Home Business but you and me the people who want to change. I had a conversation with a colleague today and we were talking about life in general and discussing holidays and the such like. She has a daughter and also a list of all the things she would like to do but is putting on hold until she retires in about 10 years time. The list includes charity work abroad with animals as well as travelling and she told me she had researched some of these things. Guess what she found? The majority of people who sign up for helping overseas or on long term travelling expeditions are either in their early 20s, gap year students, or in their late 50s/60s and retired. Excellent but what the heck happened to the 30 years in between? Where did life go then?

This is again proof of how we have been conditioned to live our lives and for most people 30 years of that is working towards retirement if not more. That just can't be right.
What if you get ill, what if something happens to a loved one and you become a carer. I know through experience how short life can be and how in an instance it could be gone, but we don't think like that, we don't want to be morbid or concern ourselves with what ifs. BUT WHAT IF. If you knew tomorrow was your last day would you turn round and say I wish I'd given that a go or would you say I gave that a go.

I felt sad this person felt this way and I tried to give them a pep talk around living but sometimes I think we are so focused on saving for the future, paying off our mortgages that we just forget how to live and end up existing. I don't think for one moment I have all the answers but I know I'm going to give it a dam good go and try to break free from the constraints my life has put on me or I have put on my self. Don't get me wrong I enjoy my life but there is more, more time to be had with friends and family, more time to be given to helping others and charity and more time for me to live my life.

This post is in memory of Jayne Stratton who would have been 41 years old yesterday.

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Using Credit Cards To Start Your On Line Business


I have just received good news about my credit card application and have one whereby you can transfer a balance over for 0% interest. This basically gives you an interest free loan for a period of time whilst you make your on line business a success and pay off the debt within the quoted period.

For those of you who live in England Martins moneysaving site is a great place to look for how to really utilise credit cards even if you have a bad credit score. But here are the basics of how it works and how you can use it to your advantage.

OK lets start by trying to change your view of credit cards. Credit cards are only a problem if you cannot pay them off and they incur interest. If used properly you can get some good money back deals or points or even airmiles.

If you are going on holiday and you know it will cost you £3000. You can't afford to pay it then but you can afford £300 a month. So you purchase the holiday on your credit card and then you normally have 60 days grace. During that period you apply for a credit card offering an interest free balance transfer. You get the new card, pay it off at £300 per month and it's gone in 10 months time. You've improved your credit score, had your holiday and paid off the card with no interest incurred. Make sense? Well you can do this in exactly the same way to fiance your Internet business. If you need to buy some products to sell on but don't have the instant cash you can use your card, pay it off if you sell the products quickly or transfer it to another allowing you a period of time to improve your marketing and sell your products.

Please remember not to use this card until you have paid it off!!

People will only laugh at your new ideas as they are fearful of change and your success. Don't let their skepticism put you off achieving your goals.

Take care


Monday 20 July 2009

Long Tail Keywords In Internet Marketing


It's Monday, had a great weekend and ready for the new week and new ideas. I have re thought my work load schedule and have now decided to update by blogs during the week and concentrate on my website at the weekend.
The first hour I leave free for learning and the second hour for updates and marketing.

For those of you with eagle eyes you might notice I have changed the titles of my blogs. Now I have done this for a reason and it's all to do with keyword identification and understanding how some people will use specifics, which won't get you as many hits, but the ones it does will be interested in that particular area.

I've updated my main blog with new free information and after blogging this I'm off to do some networking and promoting.


Please please leave a comment or advice or ideas or get in touch with any of your comments.

Oh almost forgot the photo is Lake Louise in Canada...............beautiful!!

Saturday 18 July 2009

Opt in Email On Your Blog Or Websit

Well I've spent most of this afternoon learning about opt in email and how to set up a box on your blog or website pages for people to sign up to a free news letter or gift. Wow there is so much to learn around opt in email and auto responder and which email address to use and how exactly do I create an email address from my site. Thankfully there are websites dedicated to getting you started and they come with their own tutorials. I've also learnt about hub pages and creating more marketing tools to let people know of my existence.
I've got more friends on Facebook and all I need now are 50 hours in a day!!

With all this new knowledge I think todays quote will have to be "It is mans inability to use his greatest gift that stops him from achieving. The power of the mind and thought".

Have a great weekend.

Friday 17 July 2009

A Good Way To End The Week


Good news I've got my website back up and running and to be fair I think it was an advantage as I've refocused and can see where I want to go with the whole site.
I'm going to focus on the following over the weekend and see how it goes:
Updating my other blog and placing some affiliate links and programmes on there.
Use Google tools to establish if I am attracting traffic and the keywords being used to generate traffic.
Make some money as this still isn't happening.

Have a great weekend and happy birthday to my little sister.

Wednesday 15 July 2009

The Joys of Website Building

Wow look at me I m blogging from the platform about to get on the train. My knowledge of technology really has come on!!!
Last night I had one of life's disasters. Actually to be fair if you put in context it was nothing. I was working on my website and decided to change a few things, concentrate on more keywords, include some more information. I tired to down load a picture, which was to big. But couldn't work out how to adjust it. Well to cut a long story short I ended up deleting everything to try and get rid of the picture and after weeks of work I@ve got to start all over again. The language wasn't pleasant but at least I told the computer what for.
I think the most frustrating thing is not understanding how to insert image and reduce the size easily

Tuesday 14 July 2009

How To Use Facebook For Internet Marketing

Ok I'm starting this again as I forgot to press save and managed to go to another page.....I'm sure even the Greats had problems at times!! Any how I've just posted my first Facebook thingy!. What is that called? Well I have to admit I was a bit nervous at first but it all seems fairly straight forward and I even have some friends so that's fab.
The other thing I was wondering tonight is should my blogs be the other way round and would people reading this be encouraged to go the first blog and read what this is all about? Any answers please would be great.
So back to Internet marketing. I think I'm grasping it. The clue is in the title of "marketing". I've refocused my website and where I'm going with that and my other blog is helping me learn as I research the articles. I'm concentrating for now on affiliate marketing and over the next few weeks will be learning more about this and further developing the web page. Again if you fancy having a look at commenting please do. I'll leave the addresses at the bottom.

So today's thought? Well I just opened up The Secret and the page fell to this quote from Marci Shimoff: " Gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more into your life".

Take care


Monday 13 July 2009

Monday Morning Blues

How do weekends fly so quickly by, I'm sure there are less hours in the day. Any how I just couldn't shake the Monday feeling at all today. (Another good reason to succeed!). I tried all my positive mind techniques but no joy. I cycled home and felt better but what really shook me out of this and made me smile was the live webinar I attended on e commerce. To start I found it really useful but some of the questions people were asking made me actually feel like I possessed some knowledge. This gave me the little burst of confidence sometimes needed to sit back and go you know what I am learning, I am improving and I am goigng to be OK. It was also good to know I'm not the only one going through this.

Always remember today was a good day. If you think hard enough you'll find something that made you smile.

Sunday 12 July 2009

Back To Nature & Word Press


Well it's Sunday already and having treated myself to a long weekend of 4 days I can't believe its back to the grindstone tomorrow. It's great to see I have had a reader and a comment, so thank you, it might seem mad but it made a big difference just knowing I had reached someone.

Today I went on my second live webinar about word press and again learnt shed loads, although once more I've spent a good few hours working on my website and also my other blog. To be fair at least an hour and an half of that was inputting an advert called a widget carousel. Looks lovely but I've downloaded all the wrong stuff onto the wrong site and spent most of that time shouting at the computer whose fault it clearly was!!!!

Any how back to nature. Every other Sunday I help out at a wildlife centre. Cleaning out and feeding wild animals that have been rescued. I love it, it's like a therapy. Actually being told what to do and cracking on. Now I'm walking the dog in the woods and I remember all the good things I have in life and the more time I want to spend doing this sort of thing rather than tomorrows getting up at 6 for the rat race to work and my mistakes are back in context and I m back on track.

There is nothing more beautiful than the sun going down over the hills, the birds heading home and the peace and tranquility of nature.

Thank you.

Saturday 11 July 2009

How Making Goals Can Help With Internet Marketing

I was sitting on the bus on Thursday night, coming home from meeting a friend. I'd probably drunk to much wine, there's no relevane in that!! It wasn't late (gone are my days of late nights and alcohol, it's one or the other or a 3 day hangover!) but there was a boy of about 13 sat behind me with an older lady. He was very polite and they were having a very normal conversation. As I continued to listen the conversation changed to goals and the lady asked the boy what he would like to achieve over the next month and how was he going to achieve this.
I smiled to myself as I, at the ripe old age of 40, am only really discovering the need for goals and how they work. As I left the bus I made sure I looked at the boy as I know in my heart of hearts I will see him again as I follow his success in whatever he chooses.

So my goals over the next few weeks are:
Get some readers!!
Update this blog every day.
Update my main blog every day.
Update my website every 2 days.
Continue my research focusing on attracting traffic and building up my sites.

Quote from Bob Procotr: "Why do 1 per cent of the population earn 96% of all the money that's earned? They know The Secret". I've added a bit to that: " and they've taken action."

Thursday 9 July 2009

Attracting Traffic -SEO


So I'm up and running but no one appears to be reading my blogs so how do I attract traffic to my website and my blog?

I need to to use keywords to do this, which I understand and also social networks, which I again understand but I think this is going take me some time as the penny hasn't quite dropped yet around how this actually works.

I have my links created, I have my google ads and I've also created google alerts so I can monitor what's going on. I've done my keyword research but as yet no traffic.

I think I'll spend the next few says trying to get at least a few visitors and do some research around the best way to do that using the knowledge I currently have.

Please feel free to leave a comment or advice.



Click here for free info on internet marketing

Tuesday 7 July 2009

the First Steps To Internet Marketing


Well its been nearly 4 weeks now and this week I think it's all beginning to click. I have created a more formalised blog,, using a host and domain name, which allows me to have slightly more flexibility. I have learnt about market research, keyword research and checking out free tools on the Internet. I know I am still trying to run before I can walk and could probably do with more time management but you know what I'm really enjoying this, lots more than I thought I would. I 'm learning new skills, understanding the Internet more and as time goes on I will make money.

I've also taken a subject I love and created a website, this site is about fitness and for now I'm concentrating on abs, click here to go have a look, let me know what you think, it is a work in progress but also has my first affiliate link.

There is still so much to do and learn but I'm finally getting there and the best thing.............I've taken some ACTION.

Today's quote:

James Ray " every great teacher who has ever walked the planet has told you that life was meant to be abundant".

Good luck and enjoy living.