Sunday 11 April 2010

Inspirational - The Light Bulb Moment


So I've just finished my property training weekend with Progressive Properties. Thanks to all those involved I met a lot of great people and got some great ideas and strategies, not just about property but also about Internet Marketing so a double wammy for me.

One thing I really did notice was about me. You see there was a lot of networking going on and I got to speak to a load of people. What I noticed about me was I'm not afraid to share my dreams, in fact when I told people my goal was to be financially free within 3 years through property and Internet Marketing people told me how impressed they were with that.

And as I spend more time saying this I can feel it becoming a reality rather than just an idea. You know an idea will always be an idea until you have a conversation about it. When you have a conversation about it, it then becomes word and spoken and real. It feels good to say it out loud.

I also found there were a load of people who are worse at procrastinating than I am. They have an intention but you can tell this is all it will ever be.

I met a lady who is a property coach and will be speaking to her in the future and here's spooky but I met someone who can get me on a course I have wanted to do for ages at about a third of the price I thought I would have to pay, so the networking was great.

If you were there I wish you every succes and now is the time for ACTION.


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