Saturday 10 April 2010

Business Mindset - Lessons From A Guru


Well I'm just on my way home from the Progressive Property Weekend. I'm having a great time learning more strategies and getting a dose of positivity and motivation.

I've also had the pleasure of listening to the James Caan. And I've learnt a really valuable lesson today. I've realised I don't think like a business person. I don't look at my figures properly and I don't check to see if the money I can make from a product matches what I'm spending out. Basic you would think but somewhere along the line I haven't made time to sit and go through some very important stuff.

So it was good to get a kick up the backside.

However, I have taken myself out of my comfort zone and I have spoken to other people and learnt things from them. I also really really don't want to become one of those people who just goes on courses. I need to take action and keep taking action.

The habits I form today will be what keeps me going in the future and move me closer towards my goal.

Looking forward to tomorrow


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