Monday 26 April 2010

I Learnt A Valuable Lesson Today

Last night I did my usual of being ready to go at my set time and then getting side tracked by another brilliant product that could make me money email.
With eager anticipation I clicked it open to find a guaranteed way to make quick money and all for $7. Great that's less than a fiver my illogical brain told me and off I went ordering this so called brilliant idea. Even as I was doing it I actually said out loud "here you go again Nick". So I opened my product to find it was made in 2008 and the first video stopped after half way and the downloaded zip file was corrupted.
What was I thinking. So I've written to them and we'll see where we get.
However a good thing to come from this is I set up a mini email campaign and I began watching the videos from the course I actually started on. Lo and behold I learnt loads of info. I realised some how I had become so obsessed I had moved away from all of the video learning systems available through this course.
So I'm back on track, for today any way, and determined to stick with what I have and take small steps to get my goals.
I just wish I could stop having all these ideas and not enough time.
It's great to be really at something and fill my days with progress and difference. I genuienly get a real buzz from the ups and downs and know that if I just keep pressing forward I'll get htere. Wherever there may be.

Take care


Sunday 11 April 2010

Inspirational - The Light Bulb Moment


So I've just finished my property training weekend with Progressive Properties. Thanks to all those involved I met a lot of great people and got some great ideas and strategies, not just about property but also about Internet Marketing so a double wammy for me.

One thing I really did notice was about me. You see there was a lot of networking going on and I got to speak to a load of people. What I noticed about me was I'm not afraid to share my dreams, in fact when I told people my goal was to be financially free within 3 years through property and Internet Marketing people told me how impressed they were with that.

And as I spend more time saying this I can feel it becoming a reality rather than just an idea. You know an idea will always be an idea until you have a conversation about it. When you have a conversation about it, it then becomes word and spoken and real. It feels good to say it out loud.

I also found there were a load of people who are worse at procrastinating than I am. They have an intention but you can tell this is all it will ever be.

I met a lady who is a property coach and will be speaking to her in the future and here's spooky but I met someone who can get me on a course I have wanted to do for ages at about a third of the price I thought I would have to pay, so the networking was great.

If you were there I wish you every succes and now is the time for ACTION.


Saturday 10 April 2010

Business Mindset - Lessons From A Guru


Well I'm just on my way home from the Progressive Property Weekend. I'm having a great time learning more strategies and getting a dose of positivity and motivation.

I've also had the pleasure of listening to the James Caan. And I've learnt a really valuable lesson today. I've realised I don't think like a business person. I don't look at my figures properly and I don't check to see if the money I can make from a product matches what I'm spending out. Basic you would think but somewhere along the line I haven't made time to sit and go through some very important stuff.

So it was good to get a kick up the backside.

However, I have taken myself out of my comfort zone and I have spoken to other people and learnt things from them. I also really really don't want to become one of those people who just goes on courses. I need to take action and keep taking action.

The habits I form today will be what keeps me going in the future and move me closer towards my goal.

Looking forward to tomorrow


Tuesday 6 April 2010

What Am I Doing


Well it's been a while since I last wrote on this blog. As much as I would love to say I have made my fortune I haven't although I can safely say my life is much richer and fuller than it's ever been. I know where I am in my life and probably more importantly I know who I am.

I think about my goals more each day and appreciate all I have. I understand people more and when I am being inauthentic around my personal perceptions. I have also moved far away from negativity and the cynicism that seems to dog mankind. For example people just love to find a reason why things will fail. It's never their fault and they relish the fact they fail so they can say " you see I told you I would fail". In fact the word fail is so negative let's change it to not being successful.

It takes hard work and above all determination to succeed. It takes commitment and most of all it takes failure to finally stand on the podium of success. It takes the burial of the "p" word and realising you have a purpose and a right to success.

I totally 10% believe and committed to success. To sharing my new found knowledge and freedom with others and making others understand there is another way. How..........mmmmm. a question I know still needs the final answer.

So here is my goal for this week. I will make a sale this week. I am totally dedicated to that goal. I will do this by marketin gmy site to the plan I have written out with the aim of being on the front page for the keywords Turbulence Training.

So here it is in black and white and so I have to achieve.
