Sunday 27 September 2009

A Day Of Thoughtfulness and Comtemplation


I write this post with a sadness in my heart. In the early hours of this morning my Aunt lost her fight against cancer and died. I have only recently been given the news and although I knew it was coming and she is in her seventies I cannot stop the feeling of sadness that pushes into my heart and brings tears to my eyes.

I am also truly grateful, I'm truly grateful she was a big part of my childhood, I have great memories of her and I was also lucky enough to spend the day with her, my uncle and one of my cousins, ten days ago. I visited with my sister and we were able to share laughter, gossip and precious time, which I will now cherish as my last memory. She wasn't in pain and her mental faculty was as sharp as ever, it's just her body shut down as the cancer took over.

So as I walked the dog I started to think about life and remember just how fragile and how precious it really is. My mind wondered through sayings such as "live each day as if it was your last" and "live your life to the full", and I began to think about what this really means. I know over the last few years my thought processes have changed and I try to use my now conscious thoughts to make my life better and make myself a better person and I also try to make the best of every scenario life throws at me and to create my own luck, but do I live each day as if it were my last?, probably not, do I live my life to the full, pretty close to it I would say, but I do forget to make time for friends and family and I do let the unimportant things become important.

So as I raise a glass of Cava in memory of a lovely person I will try and live my life to the full. Will I moan like a drain tomorrow when I go back to work after 10 days off?, you bet I will; but will I inhale the air slightly more on my cycle to work and catch the negative thoughts before they manifest in my mind? yep I will try; and will I smile when I think of my aunt?, most definitely.

So here's to a new week, to all it brings and here's to Ann Perfect, whom I had the great honour of knowing and loving.

Take good care,


Sunday 13 September 2009

To See More Of Your Life Look Around


"What am I talking about now?" I hear you say as you read my title. Well what I'm really talking about is taking more time to make a difference and enjoy your life more. When you are walking along and completing your normal journey to work or dropping off the kids or your general daily life, stop and have a look around you and especially look up. It won't take you much more time but I guarantee you, you will see more than you usually do. I try to do this every day I find myself walking along and to be honest I have seen so many new things that have made me smile it's worth the few extra moments it takes to walk down a road. I've seen 2 ducks sitting on a roof, a heron eyeing up a pond, architecture I never knew existed on my way to work, an amusing incident or catching a child's eye and making them smile. So why am I harping on about this today. Well to be honest it's not just about looking up, it's about taking time, and about realising there is so much more going on than when we get dragged into the daily way of life or want to break free from the daily grind.

It's a simple thought and a simple solution but due to the way we now live it is something we all tend to forget about. We are so used to living 24/7 rushing around at break neck speed we don't have time to stop and look, or talk to others or help others. We live in fear of the world from the reports we are given in the press and the only time we speak to the people travelling on our bus or train or tube is when a disaster hits or something strange happens to change our routine.

So this week here is your challenge, stop and look around, if you see someone struggling to carry something up the stairs help them, if you need to give your seat to someone less able than you, do so. Say hello to a stranger, or thank someone and mean it but more than anything look around and actually see the world you are living in because it is beautiful and full of many good and decent people who like you and me are just living their life.

Let me know how you get on.

Have a great week


Sunday 6 September 2009

Keyword Research and A Free Gift For All My Readers


Wow I am beginning to finally realise the importance of keyword research and how this is literally the key to your site and attracting people to it.

I had my first proper session with my coach on Thursday and my task this week is to research keywords. No problem except to be in with a fighting chance I need to be researching about 1,00 - 3,000 words to find 50-60 keywords which will really help when I get everything up and running on my site. It will also show me if I actually have a niche people want to use and if they do go to my site they will hopefully purchase what I'm offering and make me money. Simple.......mmmmm yes if you have loads of hours in the day where you are doing nothing. It probably takes about 1 hour to do 60.

Good news is I'm focused and work better when I'm aiming for something. I also feel like I'm moving forward with the advice I'm getting, so that is really good.

My free gift, if you click on this link CLICK HERE it will take you to a site where when you make a purchase on the Internet you earn commission. Simple really, just shop as you would do normally but do it through a shop you set up on the site and you earn commission. even better is if you have a friend who does this and they shop through their Internet shop it makes you money!. It's really really easy, I did it in about 2 minutes and it has every shop you could possibly wish for, all the big names and some newer ones as well.

Have a great week


Wednesday 2 September 2009

September Already & One Of Those Days


How on earth did we get to September? Mmmmm so lets see how my Internet business is going. Facts:
I have made the grand total of 50p
I have had 4 comments on
I've had 73 ezine article views.....not bad.
I've published 5 articles and have 1 pending.
I have finally sorted out my website on my training package and have my first coaching session tomorrow after a disastrous start last week.

OK so giving up work is out of the question at the mo!!

Now what is it they say? Something like " anyone can make it but you just have to keep persevering". So I will, I'm certainly nowhere near throwing in the towel. I've got my ideas around my affiliate marketing and now I need to be shown how to go about improving my website and getting people to it.

So why was today one of those days? I won't bore you as you know I love positivity and motivation and I don't think dwelling on the bad aspects of my day will really help......a few glasses of wine and a quick moan will though. I will try and take something positive from my experience of other people today and I'm sure tomorrow will be a great day.

Quick example of how different people think. I was on a seminar/workshop thing today and the question was asked around using a word describing something, cant remember what it was,but I said "brilliant", bloke next to me says "pointless".

" Those who don't value the time, utilise their precious time for worrying and complaining. Value the time by utilising every second in a positive way " - Acharya Sankarji