Sunday 7 March 2010

When You Think It's Time To Quit


I'm writing today as I've struggled to get going and get motivated. I've begun to let the sneaky voice get in the way of my thoughts. It keeps telling me my life is comfortable, I live well, I have lots of things others don't have, I can retire in 8 years and be comfortable. It also is great at telling me how tired I am and I really can just out my feet up and watch the trash on TV. No one would mind, no one would think anything less of you.

And then I can't focus, I get side tracked by other offers, I become distracted and waste my time looking at new ideas. You see it came to me this weekend to stop looking at other things and actually concentrate on the one site which is beginning to get traffic, in fact I've had over 1,500 visitors now to my site, something I never thought was possible and I've earned a small amount of cash. But I am struggling with my procrastination and I even see my friends wondering what on earth I'm doing.

So I made myself switch on the computer and I made myself type this because I know one day I will use this when I'm telling people about my journey, when I can relate to their stories of how hard they have found it to concentrate and achieve their desire. I can't even tell you why but I know I will achieve because I desire a different way of life. Whether you or anyone else understands that it doesnt' matter but it's my goal, my dream, my life.

Sometimes the universe will give you back what you give and as I logged onto my email I received a quote from Napolean Hill;

'The principle of concentration is the medium by which procrastination is overcome. The same principle is the foundation upon which both self-confidence and self-esteem are predicted.'Just a coincidence?, I'll let you know.


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