Thursday 11 February 2010

How To Change Your Problems With One Word


I just wanted to share this with you and hopefully you will find it as useful as I did. I am currently half way through a Landmark Education course and one of the things I am learning, that is making a difference to the way I view things, is how changing a word in a sentence can change the meaning of the sentence and make it more achievable.

Let me show you what I mean. Take a problem you have at the moment and use the word BUT in the sentence. Mine is "I want my on line business to take off BUT I don't know how". Change the word BUT to AND . So " I want my on line business to take off AND I don't know how". This now changes the sentence. The sentence with BUT places an obstacle and isn't related to the first part but changing the BUT to AND makes the not knowing how a part of the first bit of the sentence making it feel like you can overcome it.

AND I don't know how is just a matter of fact which can be overcome. So the next part is working out how to overcome the not knowing how and getting on with getting the on line business to take off.

For example not knowing how can be changed by educating yourself. Now you have a solution, yes you have to educate yourself but that is possible.

If you practice with a problem of your own and say it out loud you should be able to feel the difference.

I hope you found this useful.


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