Sunday 31 January 2010

The Beauty of Technology


Well the beauty of technology means I am able to write this whilst walking round Bushey Park as Sash checks out a dog called Rosie. For those of you that do read this I apologise for the lack of posts. It's all just been a bit chaotic......yes I know this is a rubbish excuse.

So it's nearly February 2010 and I've been doing this for a good 6 months now. I would like to tell you I have made my fortune left my job and traveled the world but I haven't. Am I ready to give it all up? No way. I might not be earning an extra crust but I have learnt a lot. Not just about the world wide web but about me as well. I've learnt things take time, I have more patience than I realised and also that perseverance is a must when trying to make a go of it all.

This year I intend to invest time and money into my own education and not to let opportunities pass me by. I intend to take more action and procrastinate less and use technology to my advantage. Don't get me wrong there are times when I think maybe the life I have is pretty good already and maybe this is my lot......although to be honest those thoughts are few and far between now. Generally my motivation is high and I notice my thoughts and language have changed to "when" and not "if".

I know 2010 is going to be a great year and I know this week will be a great week. I have a self development weekend to look forward to and a 10 week course in "thinking outside the box" starting on Wednesday.

I hope you all have a great week as well ,


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