Sunday 31 January 2010

The Beauty of Technology


Well the beauty of technology means I am able to write this whilst walking round Bushey Park as Sash checks out a dog called Rosie. For those of you that do read this I apologise for the lack of posts. It's all just been a bit chaotic......yes I know this is a rubbish excuse.

So it's nearly February 2010 and I've been doing this for a good 6 months now. I would like to tell you I have made my fortune left my job and traveled the world but I haven't. Am I ready to give it all up? No way. I might not be earning an extra crust but I have learnt a lot. Not just about the world wide web but about me as well. I've learnt things take time, I have more patience than I realised and also that perseverance is a must when trying to make a go of it all.

This year I intend to invest time and money into my own education and not to let opportunities pass me by. I intend to take more action and procrastinate less and use technology to my advantage. Don't get me wrong there are times when I think maybe the life I have is pretty good already and maybe this is my lot......although to be honest those thoughts are few and far between now. Generally my motivation is high and I notice my thoughts and language have changed to "when" and not "if".

I know 2010 is going to be a great year and I know this week will be a great week. I have a self development weekend to look forward to and a 10 week course in "thinking outside the box" starting on Wednesday.

I hope you all have a great week as well ,


Saturday 23 January 2010

The 5 Main Barriers to Success


So we're coming up to the end of January and how many of you are still sticking to your New Year resolutions?

Brilliant if you are but statistics indicate resolutions will be broken fairly quickly and most people by the end of the year have forgotten their resolutions.

So what is it that stops us achieving. This isn't just about New Year but in life in general. What are the things that really stop us achieving our goals. This is the same whether it's a new business, losing weight, fitness goals or just doing the things you really want to do.

The next 5 headings are the most common reasons why people are not successful in the areas of life they want to be. Commonly known as excuses. We are brilliant at making excuses for ourselves and justifying within our own minds why we are not successful.

I haven't got time:

This has to be the most common excuse I hear and the one my mind tricks me into believing as well.

This is the best way we like to talk ourselves out of things. "I can't set up my own business as I work every day and by the time I get home I'm too tired", or "the kids need me I don't have time". I want you to have a look at the successful people in life. The ones who started their own business despite their families, the ones who worked 9-5 but wanted more from life, the successful athletes or footballers who found the time to train. These people never sat down after a day in the office or a day with the kids and said "I don't have time". They made time. They set themselves a weekly plan and spent some time, wherever they could, to achieve their goals.

A great example is those who run the marathon. This involves a heck of a lot of time to train. You know what your overall goal is so you break this down into smaller weekly goals and then daily goals. Write this down and then each day stick to it. Get up an hour earlier, run to to work, run at lunch, run home. You do have the time.

You can use this plan for everything you want in life. Setting up your own business, you know what you want to do, you break that down into years, months, weeks and then days and each day you do what you need to. By doing this your goal becomes more manageable and achievable.


My favorite. This is the one thing I know I battle with. Commonly known as thinking, then thinking some more, then a bit more "oh I need a bit more time to think". Before you know it you've thought about it so long it's gone. The opportunity has passed you by and you carried on as normal wishing you could change your life.

Thoughts are great, positive thoughts are brilliant but without any action you will never change. You will never achieve those goals you want and you will always be left with the wondering.

Listening To Others

Most people's natural disposition, especially here in the UK, is one of being cautious. We don't want to be scammed and we don't want to look foolish. We trust no one unless we know everything about them and then we will always find the expert who knew a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend who said never to do that. We spend so much time looking for the negative we won't trust those who have clearly been successful. We're told it won't work so we believe it.

Why? Because it's easier to stay in the comfort zone of all we have ever known. We like to be comfortable and we like to hear what fits into our knowledge group. For example those who are not property experts will tell you now is a terrible time to buy as the market is so flat. Those who have actually made money from property will say now is the best time to buy because of this very reason, but because our peers and families are those who are not property experts and we don't personally know a successful property expert we go with the people we are comfortable with.

The best bit about this is we will then actively seek out a story to justify our decision. We' ll read the papers about someone who lost a fortune in property and sit back smugly on our chairs and go "see I knew I was right".

Look at those who achieve. Did Richard Branson ever listen to those who said that won't work.

I Haven't Got The Money.

If you want something badly enough you will find the money. If you have desire you will find a way. If you're staring a new business maybe it will take some time to actually get financing but you will if you keep trying.

If you don't start because you haven't got the money you never will. There are many ways to find finances, there are avenues open to everyone from clearing our the unused stuff in your garage and selling it on eBay. You have to actually do something otherwise you will never actually move towards your goal.

Giving Up

How many of us have started something and then given up when we didn't succeed quickly. We all want a quick fix, an easy way to get fit, a fast plan to lose weight but then give it all up if we don't see an instant result. Perseverance and desire is an absolute to achieving. With success you will encounter failure but once over come failure will lead to success.

You are the only one who will stop you achieving.

Wishing you every success
