Tuesday 30 June 2009

Working From Home & Internet Marketing


So here we are in the second to third week of trying to make a new life:

What is Internet Marketing

How do I start?

Will I make money?

Where will this take me?

These are all the questions I have running through my mind. It's been tough finding sometime this week. I have broken down my days and between 8-10pm I try to leave these 2 hours free for my Internet marketing project.

I have also set myself some goals around what I want to achieve and also an exact amount of what I need to make over the next 3 years to be able to live financially free and retire. This is the first time I've done that and I have to say it does really focus your mind onto a goal.

I have registered a website and brought the domain name and am waiting for this to appear in www. I have added some downloaded pictures, although I got a bit lost in resizing them, but the site is ready for some words and to start attracting traffic.

I have focused on a subject I enjoy and that appears to sell........sell what people are selling......... is what I've been advised so hopefully I will. That actually makes sense, there is no point trying to sell something that won't sell.

I've also decided at this very early stage to concentrate on affiliate marketing so have added a link to my site, again I have to say this was a lot more straight forward than I imagined.

So plans for this week:

  • Keyword research

  • Check out competitors websites

  • Ensure domain name is on web

  • Start writing on the website and attract some traffic

I've set up another bank account for my Internet Business and so I don't get my business funds mixed up with my living funds. I've also applied for a credit card to switch over my course fees to make it interest free and able to pay off over a longer period of time.

Well I wish you all the very best over the next few days and my thought for today is from James Ray "Every great teacher who has ever walked the planet has told you that life was meant to be abundant."

My own thought for today as I write this surrounded by the sun in my garden is "Life is for living so start living". I'm sure that's a quote from someone but can't remember who, but I like it and it fits with all the negative people who will try and distract you from your goals.

I'm certainly enjoying learning new skills and watching as things develop.


Saturday 20 June 2009

My First Blog On Internet Marketing & How To Begin


Welcome to you if you have found my blog. I apologise if the blog page isn't that exciting at the moment but this is the first day of my first blog. So what's this all about, well let me tell you a bit about me. I am 40, 41 in a few months time. I've worked hard for the last 22 years for the same public sector organisation and enjoy my job............OK most of the time I enjoy it. But I have decided to change my life, call it a mid life crisis, but for the last 2-3 years I just can't help thinking there is more to life than working a 40-50 hour week, being answerable to someone else all the time and sometimes feeling you're just a number!!! Sound familiar.

I've been looking at different ways to do this, have brought a few properties to supplement my pension and over the last few months have been thinking about the Internet. Now I, like many people, am a bit of a procrastinator and like to see things work before taking any action. In fact if I'm honest the action part often gets lost in the living bit.

Any how to cut a long story short I have taken action. Now some may say I've been foolish but for me I have been offered the opportunity of a life time.

So I've decided to share my journey with anyone who wants to follow and I'm now setting up my own Internet business. I have set myself goals over the next few years and one of those is to retire within 3-4 years time. This will involve paying off my very large mortgage, earning a good wage and leaving my day to day job to do the things I want to do.

I have no experience whatsoever, in fact this is my first ever blog. I'm no whizz kid and have no qualifications to write home about but I do possess an inner desire to change my life and take action.

If anyone reading this is saying oh I'd love to do that then please, please, please go read The Secret, look for The Rich Dad Poor Dad series and the many others who have written about how to understand how your mind is the most powerful thing you possess, but most of all believe in yourself and the power of your own imagination.

I will post every few days and let you know how I'm going, at the moment I want to run before I can walk and am excited, scared and a little confused about websites, Internet speak and the prospect of changing my life forever.

I have thought about the prospect of changing my life a lot. My whole life has been work hard at school, get a good job, work hard, pay off your mortgage and retire.........oh and then start living!! I've had a great life but know there's more.

My thought for today is from Dr Joe Vitale " You can have, do, or be anything you want".